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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2010	~	)  	 ƒ Research	Award	for	Junior	Research	Investigators,	Academia	Sinica
 劉庭祿 Tyng-Luh Liu  	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2005	~2010)  (2006)
               	 ● Adjunct	Associate	Professor,	National	Tsing	Hua	University	(2006	~	)  	 ƒ Associate	Editor,	Journal	of	Information	Science	and	Engineering
               	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(1998	~	2005)  (2008	~	2011)
               	 ● Adjunct	Assistant	Professor,	National	Taiwan	Normal	University	  	 ƒ Managing	Editor,	Journal	of	Information	Science	and	Engineering
 研究員 Research Fellow  (2002	~	2005)                                  (2010	~	)
 Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University  	 ● Postdoc	Research	Associate,	Courant	Institute	of	Mathematical	Sci-
                ences	(1997	~	1998)
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1508  	 ● Ph.D.,	Computer	Science,	New	York	University	(1997)
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   Tyng-Luh  Liu,  Mike  Donahue,  Davi  Geiger,  and  Robert  Hummel.   puter Society International Conference on Computer Vision and Pat-
                  “Image Recognition with Occlusions,” Appeared in Proc. 4  Euro-  tern Recognition, vol. 2, pp. 846-853, San Diego, CA, USA, June
 研究簡介  Research Description  pean Conf. on Computer Vision, Lecture Notes in Computer Science   2005. (CVPR-2005)
                  1064, pp. 556-565, Cambridge, UK, 1996. (ECCV-1996)
                                                                  14.  Hwann-Tzong Chen, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Chiou-Shann Fuh. “Learn-
 我的研究領域為電腦視覺、與發展機器學習方法在電腦  My	research	has	focused	on	computer	vision	and	machine	learning	methods	that	  2.   Mike  Donahue,  Davi  Geiger,  Robert  Hummel,  and Tyng-Luh  Liu.   ing Effective Image Metrics from Few Pairwise Examples,” Appeared
 視覺上的應用。其中有關物件偵測、辨識與場景認知等  support	the	related	applications.	Specifically,	I	am	most	interested	in	understanding	  “Sparse Representations for Image Decomposition with Occlusions,”   in the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, vol.
                                                                      2, pp. 1371-1378, Beijing, China, October 2005. (ICCV-2005)
                  Appeared  in  Proc.  Computer  Vision  and  Pattern  Recognition,  pp.
 問題,更是我主要的研究興趣。最近,我與我的學生把  the	fundamentals,	and	developing	new	techniques	for	object	detection,	recogni-  7-12, San Francisco, 1996. (CVPR-1996)
 研究重心聚焦於探討物件的辨識與分類,特別是針對物  tion,	and	scene	understanding.  3.   Tyng-Luh  Liu,  Davi  Geiger,  and  Robert V.  Kohn.  “Representation   15.  Yen-Yu  Lin,  Tyng-Luh  Liu,  and  Hwann-Tzong  Chen.  “Semantic
                                                                      Manifold Learning for Image Retrieval,” Appeared in ACM Multime-
 件類別分布廣泛的情況。為了更有效地解決這類難題,  and Self-Similarity of Shapes,” Appeared in 6  International Con-  dia Conference, Singapore, November 2005. (ACM MM-2005)
 我們已設計並開發出一些新的電腦視覺演算法,如降維  More	recently,	my	colleagues	and	I	have	worked	mainly	in	the	area	of	object	rec-  ference on Computer Vision, pp. 1129-1135, Bombay, India, January   16.  Hwann-Tzong  Chen,  Tyng-Luh  Liu,  and  Chiou-Shann  Fuh.  “Tone
 分析、相似尺度學習與多類型特徵表示的結合。這個研  ognition/categorization	for	objects	from	broad	and	diverse	categories.	To	more	ef-  1998. (ICCV-1998)  Reproduction:  A  Perspective  from  Luminance-Driven  Perceptual
 究主軸也將會是我未來幾年的工作方向與重點。  fectively	solve	the	problems,	we	have	introduced	a	number	of	new	approaches	that	  4.   Davi Geiger, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Michael J. Donahue. “Sparse Rep-  Grouping,” International Journal of Computer Vision,  vol. 65, no.
 address	the	issues	of	dimensionality	reduction,	distance	learning,	information	and
                  resentations  for  Image  Decompositions,”  International  Journal  of   1-2, pp. 73-96, November 2005. (IJCV)
 feature	fusion,	etc.	Future	work	along	this	line	will	continue	to	be	the	thrust	of	my	  Computer Vision, vol. 33(2), pp. 139-156, September 1999. (IJCV)
 research	for	the	next	few	years.                                 17.  Tien-Lung Chang, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Jen-Hui Chuang. “Direct En-
              5.   Tyng-Luh Liu and Davi Geiger. “Approximate Tree Matching and   ergy  Minimization  for  Super-Resolution  on  Nonlinear  Manifolds,”
                  Shape Similarity,” Appeared in 7  International Conference on Com-  Appeared in 9  European Conference on Computer Vision, Lecture
                  puter Vision, pp. 456-462, Kerkyra, Greece, September 1999. (ICCV-  Notes in Computer Science 3954, pp. 281-294, Graz, Austria, May
                  1999)                                               2006. (ECCV-2006)
              6.   Hwann-Tzong Chen and Tyng-Luh Liu. “Trust-Region Methods for   18.  Hwann-Tzong  Chen,  Tyng-Luh  Liu,  and  Chiou-Shann  Fuh.  “Seg-
                  Real-Time Tracking,” Appeared in 8th International Conference on   menting Highly Articulated Video Objects with Weak-Prior Random
                  Computer Vision, Vol. 2, pp. 717-722, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001.   Forests,” Appeared in 9  European Conference on Computer Vision,
                  (ICCV-2001)                                         Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3954, pp. 373-385, Graz, Austria,
                                                                      May 2006. (ECCV-2006)
              7.   Hwann-Tzong Chen, Horng-Horng Lin, and Tyng-Luh Liu. “Multi-
                  Object  Tracking  Using  Dynamical  Graph  Matching,” Appeared  in   19.  Yen-Yu Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Chiou-Shann Fuh. “Local Ensem-
                  IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern   ble Kernel Learning for Object Category Recognition” Appeared in
                  Recognition, Vol.  2,  pp.  210-217,  Kauai,  Hawaii,  December  2001.   IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computer Vi-
                  (CVPR-2001)                                         sion and Pattern Recognition, Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 2007.
              8.   Davi  Geiger, Tyng-Luh  Liu,  and  Robert V.  Kohn.  “Representation
                  and Self-Similarity of Shapes,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analy-  20.  Tien-Lung Chang, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Jen-Hui Chuang. “Improving
                  sis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 86-99, January 2003.   Local Learning for Object Categorization by Exploring the Effects of
                  (TPAMI)                                             Ranking,” Appeared in IEEE Computer Society International Confer-
                                                                      ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Anchorage, AK,
              9.   Tyng-Luh  Liu  and  Hwann-Tzong  Chen.  “Real-Time  Tracking  Us-  USA, June 2008. (CVPR-2008)
                  ing Trust-Region Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
                  and Machine Intelligence, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 397-402, March 2004.   21.  Yen-Yu Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Chiou-Shann Fuh. “Dimensionality
                  (TPAMI)                                             Reduction for Data in Multiple Feature Representations,” Appeared
                                                                      in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, edited by
              10.  Yen-Yu Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Chiou-Shann Fuh. “Fast Object De-
                  tection with Occlusions,” Appeared in 8  European Conference on   D. Koller, Y. Bengio, D. Schuurmans, L. Bottou, and A. Culotta, pp.
                  Computer Vision, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3021, pp. 402-  961-968, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2009. (NIPS-2008)
                  413, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004. (ECCV-2004)  22.  Kai-Yueh  Chang,  Tyng-Luh  Liu,  and  Shang-Hong  Lai.  “Learning
                                                                      Partially-Observed  Hidden  Conditional  Random  Fields  for  Facial
              11.  Hwann-Tzong  Chen,  Tyng-Luh  Liu,  and  Tien-Lung  Chang.  “Tone
                  Reproduction:  A  Perspective  from  Luminance-Driven  Perceptual   Expression Recognition,” Appeared in IEEE Computer Society Inter-
                  Grouping,” Appeared in IEEE Computer Society International Con-  national Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
                  ference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 2, pp. 369-  Miami, FL, USA, June 2009. (CVPR-2009)
                  376, San Diego, CA, USA, June 2005. (CVPR-2005)  23.  Yen-Yu Lin, Jyun-Fan Tsai, and Tyng-Luh Liu. “Efficient Discrimi-
                                                                      native Local Learning for Object Recognition,” Appeared in the 12
              12.  Yen-Yu Lin and Tyng-Luh Liu. “Robust Face Detection with Multi-
                  Class Boosting,” Appeared in IEEE Computer Society International   IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Kyoto, Japan,
                  Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 1, pp.   September 2009. (ICCV-2009)
                  679-686, San Diego, CA, USA, June 2005. (CVPR-2005)
              13.  Hwann-Tzong Chen, Huang-Wei Chang, and Tyng-Luh Liu. “Local
                  Discriminant Embedding and Its Variants,” Appeared in IEEE Com-
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