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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

                                                                                                                                      	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	  tion	Engineering,	National	Taiwan	University	(Oct.	2003-	Apr.	2004)
                                                          蔡懷寬 Huai-Kuang Tsai                                                          Academia	Sinica,	2006-                             	 ● Ph.D.,	Department	of	Computer	Science	and	Information	Engineer-
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	Research	Center	of	Information	Technol-  ing,	National	Taiwan	University	(1998-2003)
                                                                                                                                       ogy	Innovation,	Academia	Sinica,	2006-             	 ● M.S.,	Department	of	Computer	Science	and	Information	Engineer-
                                                                                                                                      	 ● Assistant	Professor,	Department	of	Biological	Science	and	Technol-  ing,	National	Taiwan	University	(1996-1998)
                                                          助研究員 Assistant Research Fellow                                               ogy,	National	Chiao-Tung	University,	2008-         	 ● B.S.,	Department	of	Computer	Science	and	Information	Engineering,
                                                          Ph.D., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University   	 ● Assistant	Professor,	Department	of	Computer	Science	and	Engineer-  National	Taiwan	University	(1992-1996)
                                                                                                                                       ing,	National	Ocean	University,	2008-
                                                          Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1718                                             	 ● Postdoctoral	Fellow,	Genome	Research	Center,	Academia	Sinica
                                                          Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814                                                        (May	2004-	June	2005)
                                                          Email:	                                            	 ● Postdoctoral	Fellow,	Department	of	Computer	Science	and	Informa-

                                                       部份退化位置對基因調控確實具備影響力,期能賦予基因轉錄調控研究在	DNA	序列                                       代表著作 Publications
                                                                                                                                     1.   Tsai, H.K., Yang, J.M., and Kao, C.Y. (2001) A genetic algorithm for   15.  Tsai, H.K., Yang, J.M., Tsai, Y.F. and Kao, C.Y. (2004) An evolution-
                                                                                                                                        traveling salesman problems, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolu-  ary approach for gene expression patterns, IEEE Trans Inf Technol
           研究簡介                                           Research Description                                                          tionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 687-693.     Biomed, 8, 69-78.
                                                                                                                                     2.   Tsai, H.K., Yang, J.M. and Kao, C.Y. (2002) Solving traveling sales-  16.  Tsai, H.K., Yang, J.M., Tsai, Y.F. and Kao, C.Y. (2004) An evolution-
        目前普遍認為基因轉錄是受到轉錄因子及其結合位置所調                      The	transcription	of	genes	is	controlled	by	interaction	between	transcription	fac-  man  problems  by  combining  global  and  local  search  mechanisms,   ary algorithm for large traveling salesman problems, IEEE Trans Syst
        控,分析轉錄因子的功能與其對應的結合位置將有助於瞭                      tors	(TFs)	and	their	binding	sites	(TFBSs)	(or	cis-regulatory	elements).	Inferring	the	  Congress of Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1290-1295.  Man Cybern B Cybern, 34, 1718-1729.
        解基因轉錄的機制。我們利用染色質免疫沈析晶片資料、                      function	of	a	TF	and	identifying	its	binding	sites	are	helpful	for	understanding	the	  3.   Tsai, H.K., Yang, J.M. and Kao, C.Y. (2002) Applying genetic algo-  17.  Chan, C.H., Lee, S.A., Kao, C.Y. and Tsai, H.K. (2005) Improving
        生物晶片資料以及酵母菌鄰近物種之	 DNA	 序列,作出	TF-               mechanism	of	transcriptional	regulation.	In	the	past	years,	we	develop	a	TFBS	iden-  rithms to finding the optimal gene order in displaying the microarray   EAX with restricted 2-opt, Proceedings of the 2005 Genetic and Evo-
                                                                                                                                                                                             lutionary Computation (GECCO), 1471-1476.
                                                                                                                                        data, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Con-
        BSfinder	 軟體以辨識轉錄因子之結合位置。對於每個轉錄                tification	 method,	TFBSfinder,	 which	 utilizes	 several	 data	 sources,	 including	 DNA	  ference (GECCO), 610-617.
        因子,TFBSfinder	先根據生物晶片資料找出可信度很高的調               sequences,	phylogenetic	information,	microarray	data	and	ChIP-chip	data.	For	a	TF,	                                               18.  Tsai, H.K., Lu, H.H. and Li, W.H. (2005) Statistical methods for iden-
                                                                                                                                                                                             tifying yeast cell cycle transcription factors, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S
        控基因與非調控基因	 (non-target	 genes),然後在相較於那         TFBSfinder	rigorously	selects	a	set	of	reliable	target	genes	and	a	set	of	non-target	  4.   Yang, J.M., Tsai, C.H., Hwang, M.J., Tsai, H.K., Hwang, J.K. and   A, 102, 13532-13537.
                                                                                                                                        Kao, C.Y. (2002) GEM: a Gaussian Evolutionary Method for predict-
        些非調控基因下,尋找在其調控基因的啟動子中出現頻率                      genes	(as	a	background	set)	to	find	overrepresented	and	conserved	motifs	in	tar-  ing protein side-chain conformations, Protein Sci, 11, 1897-1907.
                                                       get	genes.	A	new	metric	for	measuring	the	degree	of	conservation	at	a	binding	site
        高,且在相近物種間也被保存的	DNA	片段,將這些片段作                                                                                                                                                     19.  Zhao, E., Liu, H.L., Tsai, C.H., Tsai, H.K., Chan, C.H. and Kao, C.Y.
                                                       across	species	and	methods	for	clustering	motifs	and	for	inferring	position	weight	  5.   Tsai, Y.F., Tsai, H.K. and Shieh, C.L. (2002) Hazard zone mapping of   (2005)  Cysteine separations  profiles  on  protein  sequences infer  di-
        群聚並找出具代表性的位置加權矩陣。此外,轉錄因子結                      matrices	are	proposed.	Besides,	TFBSs	are	usually	degenerate.	We	further	propose	  debris flow, The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, part B, 18, 91-102. (in   sulfide connectivity, Bioinformatics, 21, 1415-1420.
        合位置常存有退化位置,亦即容許不同的核苷酸出現在該位                     a	 method	 for	 discovering	 gapped	 motifs.	 A	 gapped	 transcription	 factor-binding	  Chinese)                                 20.  Tsai, H.K., Huang, Grace T., Chou, M.Y., Lu, Henry, H.S. and Li,
        置上。我們進一步尋找具非連續序列特徵之結合位置。所謂                     site	(TFBS)	contains	one	or	more	highly	degenerate	positions.	Discovering	gapped	  6.   Chuang, H.Y., Tsai, H.K., Tsai, Y.F. and Kao, C.Y. (2003) Ranking   W.H. (2006) Method for identifying transcription factor binding sites
        的非連續性序列特徵指的是所找到的序列特徵其中包含連續                     motifs	is	difficult,	because	allowing	highly	degenerate	positions	in	a	motif	greatly	  genes for discriminability on microarray data, J Inf Sci Eng, 19, 953-  in yeast, Bioinformatics, 22, 1675-1681.
        的退化位置,這樣的序列特徵很難尋找,因為具高退化性的                     enlarges	the	search	space	and	complicates	the	discovery	process.	These	obstacles	  966. (corresponding author)                    21.  Tsai, H.K.*, Chou, M.Y., Shih, C. H., Huang, Grace T. W., Chang, T.
        位置大量增加在尋找答案過程中的搜尋空間。我們利用序列                     were	surmounted	by	the	following	a	pattern	mining	technique	and	position	concur-  7.   Tsai, H.K., Yang, J.M., Tsai, Y.F. and Kao, C.Y. (2003) Heterogene-  H. and Li, W.H. (2007) MYBS: A comprehensive web server for min-
        特徵探勘技術以及位置的同現性來加強辨識位置的可信度。                     rences.	Empirical	tests	on	known	TFBSs	show	that	the	new	method	is	highly	accu-  ous selection genetic algorithms for traveling salesman problems, Eng   ing transcription factor binding sites in yeast, Nucleic Acids Research,
        我們將此方法應用於已知其結合位置的酵母菌轉錄因子,跟                     rate	in	identifying	gapped	motifs,	outperforming	current	methods,	and	it	also	works	  Optimiz, 35, 297-311.                           35, W221-W226.
        其他方法相比,此方法不僅對非連續序列之結合位置具有高                     well	on	non-gapped	motifs,	achieving	high	sensitivity	and	specificity	for	predicting	  8.   Tsai, C.H., Tsai, H.K., Chen, S.C. and Kao, C.Y. (2004) Disulfide con-  22.  Tsai, H.K., Su, Cindy, P.C., Lu, M.J., Shih, C.H., and Wang, Daryi.
        正確率,對一般結合位置的結果也相當好,具有相當高的信                     experimentally	verified	TFBSs.	In	addition,	we	constructed	a	user-friendly	interac-  nectivity prediction using support vector machine and novel features,   (2007) Co-expression of adjacent genes in yeast cannot be simply at-
                                                                                                                                                                                             tributed to shared regulatory system, BMC Genomics, 8:352.
        度與效度。此外,我們建立了一方便使用者查詢的平台-	叫	                   tive	platform	for	dynamic	binding	site	mapping	using	ChIP-chip	data	and	phyloge-  The 2004 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering
                                                                                                                                        Techniques  in  Medicine  and  Biological  Sciences  (METMBS),  391-
        MYBS,可以動態運用資料找到所需的結合位置。MYBS	可讓                 netic	footprinting	as	two	filters.	Based	MYBS,	we	further	investigated	the	impact	of	  395.                                       23.  Chen,  C.Y.,  Tsai,  H.K.,  Hsu,  C.M.,  Chen,  M.J.  May,  Hung,  H.G.,
                                                       DNA	binding	position	variants	on	yeast	gene	expression.	Although	the	prevailing	                                                      Huang, G.T., and Li, W.H. (2008) Discovering gapped binding sites
                                                       assumption	is	that	nucleotide	variants	at	such	positions	are	functionally	equivalent,	  9.   Chiu,  H.S.,  Chuang,  H.Y., Tsai,  H.K.,  Huang, T.W.  and  Kao,  C.Y.   of yeast transcription factors, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105, 2527-
        跡資料以觀察特定基因之轉錄因子的結合位置。利用該資料                     there	is	increasing	evidence	that	such	variants	play	a	role	in	regulation	of	gene	ex-  (2004)  Discovering  Statistically  Significant  Clusters  by  Using  Ge-  2532.
        庫,我們進一步探討轉錄因子結合位置的序列組成與其調控                     pression.	We	therefore	propose	a	method	for	studying	the	relationship	between	the	  netic Algorithms in Gene Expression Data”, The 2004 International   24.  Chang,  Y.L.,  Tsai,  H.K.+,  Kao,  C.Y.,  Chen,  Y.C.,  and  Yang,  J.M.
        基因表現情形之間的關聯性。雖然目前學界普遍認為這些核                                                                                                      Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine   (2008) Evolutionary conservation of DNA-contact residues in DNA-
                                                       expression	of	target	genes	and	nucleotide	variants	in	TFBS	motifs	at	a	genome-wide	  and Biological Sciences (METMBS), 243-249.
        苷酸的差異並不會對基因調控產生影響力,但近年來揭露其                     scale	in	Saccharomyces	cerevisiae,	especially	the	combinatorial	effects	of	variants	at	                                               binding domains, BMC Bioinformatics, 9, S3.
        對基因表現調控重要性的研究與證據卻與日俱增。因此我們                     two	positions.	Our	analysis	shows	that	nucleotide	variations	in	more	than	one-third	  10.  Huang, Y.C., Chao, Y.C., Lin, S.B., Tsai, H.K. and Kao C.Y. (2004)   25.  Sung, H.M., Wang, T.Y., Wang, D., Huang, Y.S., Wu, J.P., Tsai, H.K.,
        針對酵母菌中轉錄因子結合序列的退化位置與調控基因的表                     of	variable	positions	and	in	20%	of	dependent	position	pairs	are	highly	correlated	to	  A  Tool  to  Determine  the  Specificity  of Antisense  Oligonucleotide,   Tzeng, J., Huang, C.J., Lee, Y.C., Yang, P. et al. (2009) Roles of Trans
                                                                                                                                        The 2004 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineer-
        現之間的關聯性進行分析。我們發現在酵母菌已知的可信轉                     gene	expression.	We	define	such	positions	as	functional.	However,	some	positions	  ing Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS), 447-  and Cis Variation in Yeast Intra-species Evolution of Gene Expres-
        錄因子結合位置上,有超過三分之一的退化位置與約五分之                     are	only	functional	as	dependent	pairs,	but	not	individually.	In	addition,	a	significant	  449.                                       sion. Mol Biol Evol, 26, 2533-2538.
        一的退化位置對具「功能性」,表示退化位置的出現確實與                     proportion	of	the	functional	positions	have	been	well	conserved	across	all	yeast-  11.  Chuang, H.Y., Tsai, H.K. and Kao, C.Y. (2004) Optimal designs for   26.  Tsai, H.K., Huang, P.Y., Kao, C.Y. and Wang, Daryi (2009) Co-ex-
        基因表現有顯著的關聯性,且有些退化位置需要同時有另一                     related	species	studied.	Our	analysis	supports	the	importance	of	nucleotide	variants	  microarray experiments, The 7  International Symposium on Parallel   pression  of  Neighboring  Genes  in  the  Zebrafish  (Danio  rerio)  Ge-
                                                                                                                                                                                             nome, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10, 3658-3670.
        個退化位置的發生,形成退化位置對才具有調控的影響力。                     at	variable	positions	of	TFBSs	in	gene	regulation.                               Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN), 619-624.
                                                                                                                                                                                         27.  Swamy, B. S. K., Cho, C.Y., Chiang, S., Tsai, Z. T.Y., and Tsai, H.K.*
                                                                                                                                     12.  Huang  Y.C.,  Chuang  H.Y.,  Tsai,  H.K.,  Chang  C.F.  and  Kao  C.Y.
                                                                                                                                        (2004) Designing multiple-use primer set for multiplex PCR by using   (2009) Impact of DNA binding position variants on yeast gene expres-
                                                                                                                                        compact GAs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3242, 511-523.   sion, Nucleic Acids Research, 37, 6991-7001.
                                                                                                                                                                                         *corresponding author; +equally contributed
                                                                                                                                     13.  Tsai, Y.F., Tsai, H.K. and Kao, C.Y. (2004) Clustering analysis of de-
                                                                                                                                        bris flow streams, International Journal of Sediment Research, 19,
                                                                                                                                        37-46. (corresponding author)
                                                                                                                                     14.  Tsai, H.K., Yang, J.M., Tsai, Y.F. and Kao, C.Y. (2004) Some issues
                                                                                                                                        of designing genetic algorithms for traveling salesman problems, Soft
                                                                                                                                        Comput, 8, 689-697.
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