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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	Academia	Sinica	(1994	-	)
 劉進興 Jing-Sin Liu  	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	Academia	Sinica	(1990	-	1994)
               	 ● Ph.D,	Electrical	Engineering,	National	Taiwan	University	(1990)

 副研究員 Associate Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1813
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   Lai HC, Liu JS, Lee DT, Wang LS, 2003, “Design parameters study   14.  Chang  HC,  Liu  JS,  2008,  High-quality  path  planning  for  autono-
                  on the stability and perception of riding comfort of the electrical mo-  mous mobile robot with eta3-splines and parallel genetic algorithm,”
 研究簡介  Research Description  torcycles under rider leaning,” Mechatronics, vol.13, pp.49-76, 2003.  2008 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok, Thailand,
              2.   Liu JS, Liang TC, Lin YA, 2004, “Realization of ball passing strategy   Feb.2009.
 機器人路徑規畫是機器人學的一個最基本也是最複雜的  Fast	 Marching	 Methods	 (FMM)	 and	 Level	 Set	 Methods	 are	 numerical	 techniques	  in robot soccer game: a case study of integrated planning and con-  15.  Chiang  CH,  Liu  JS,  Chou  YS,  2009,“Comparing  path  length  by
 問題,在這方面已有相當多的研究,而快速推進法	(Fast	  which	can	follow	the	evolution	of	interfaces.	The	techniques	have	a	wide	range	of	  trol,” Robotica, vol. 22,329-338, 2004.  boundary following fast marching method and Bug algorithm for path
                                                                      planning,” The Twenty Second International Conference on Industri-
 Marching	Method)	是近年來的一個突破。理論和計算結  applications;	one	of	them	is	robot	navigation.	Now	we	focus	our	attention	on	im-  3.   Liang TC, Liu JS, Hung G.-T. and Chang Y.-Z., 2005, “Practical and   al, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
 果證明,快速推進法求解機器人路徑規畫問題是可行而  proving	the	effect	and	efficiency	of	the	Fast	Marching	Methods	on	mobile	robot	  flexible path planning for car-like mobile robot using maximal-curva-  (IEA-AIE 2009), Tainan, Taiwan, June 2009.
                  ture cubic spirals,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol.52, no.4,
 有效的,從而為機器人路徑規畫研究提供了新的思路和  path	planning	problem.	The	following	are	some	of	our	aims:  pp.312-335, 2005.  16.  Chou YS, Liu JS, 2009, “An efficient path planner combining random-
 方法。此課題目前我們的方向有幾個:                                                    sampling and fuzzy systems,”14  IEEE International Conference on
 1.	Environment	Construction:	We	are	trying	to	develop	a	robot	mapping	algorithm	  4.   LiuJS, Kao JI, Chang YZ, 2006, “Collision detection of deformable     Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Miedzyzdroje, Po-
 1.	首先是環境建構部份。智慧型機器人必須能準確的探  that	could	efficiently	construct	the	geometric	map	of	the	environment	using	a	  polyhedral  objects  via  inner-outer  ellipsoids,”  2006  IEEE  Interna-  land , August 2009.
                  tional Conference on Intelligent robots and Systems, Beijing,  Oct.
 測環境並且建立一個準確的環境地圖,以最快的時間  laser	range	finder	mounted	on	a	mobile	robot.
                  2006.                                           17.  Ho YJ, Liu JS, 2009, “Smoothing Voronoi-based obstacle avoiding
 完成這些動作。由於訊號的誤差、定位的誤差甚至是  2.	Data	Structure:	The	complexity	of	FMM	algorithm	with	heap	priority	queue	is	  path by length-minimizing composite Bezier curve, “ International
 機器人與地面磨擦力產生的誤差,都會造成重建地圖  O(NlogN).	We	could	lower	the	complexity	by	implicating	with	other	data	struc-  5.   Chien YR, LiuJS, 2006, “Learning the Stylistic Similarity Between   Conference  On  interactive  and  Service  Robotics,  Taipei,  Taiwan,
                  Human Motions, ” 2nd International Symposium on Visual Comput-
 的不完整,相對影響到定位的精準度,因此如何發展  ture.  ing,  Lake  Tahoe,  Nov.  2006;  Lecture  Notes  in  Computer  Science   Aug. 2009.
 出有效的演算法來降低這些誤差並且不耗費大量的計  4291, pp.170-179, 2006.                 18.  Wei JH, Liu JS, 2009, “Mobile Robot Path Planning with η3–Splines
 算時間,是本實驗室目前研究的主要方向之一。  3.	Combine	with	Other	Methods	(e.g.	Landmark):	The	searching	range	of	FMM	could	  6.   Hung GT, Liu JS, Chang YZ, 2006,“Generation of multiple cubic spi-  Using  Spatial-Fitness-Sharing  Variable-length  Genetic Algorithm,”
 be	shrunk	with	the	guidance	of	landmark.	However	this	will	result	in	more	devia-  ral paths for obstacle avoidance of car-like mobile robots using evo-  2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Sys-
 2.	次者,	Fast	Marching	實現本身所採用的資料結構,也  tion	need	to	be	processed.  lutionary method, ” 3rd Int. Conf. Autonomous Robots and Agents,   tems, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Oct., 2009.
 是可以改良的地方。目前我們使用的是	heap	priority	  New Zealand, Dec.2006.         19.  Ho YJ, Liu JS, 2009, “Collision-free curvature-bounded smooth path
 queue	的方式儲存資料;但是已有採用	cyclic	priority	  4.	3D	Extension:	In	real	life,	we	live	in	a	3D	world.	Almost	everything	we	face	every-  7.   Hung KT, Liu JS, Chang YZ, 2007,“A Comparative study of smooth   planning using composite Bezier curve based on Voronoi diagram,”
 queue	讓整個演算法複雜度降低的實例,說明這是一  day	is	3D.	In	order	to	extend	the	application	area	of	FMM,	we	have	to	enhance	the	  path planning for a mobile robot by evolutionary multi-objective op-  2009 IEEE International Conference On Computational Intelligence
 個可以考慮的方向。  computational	efficiency	and	fill	the	gap	between	2D	and	3D	problems.  timization, ” IEEE Int. Symposium on Computational Intelligence in   on Robotics  and Automation, Daejeon, Korea, Dec.2009.
                  Robotics and Automation, Jacksonville, Florida, June 2007.  20.  Ho  YJ,  Liu  JS,  2010,”  Simulated  annealing  based  algorithm  for
 3.	再來是	Fast	Marching	本身,我們想要藉由	Land	Mark                             smooth robot path planning with different kinematic constraints,” 25
 的指引,將演算法搜尋範圍縮小。但是搜尋範圍一旦  8.   Pan  WH,  Liu  JS,  Ku  WY,  2007,  “Fast  collision  detection  for  the   ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Sierre, Switzerland, March,
                  scaled  convex  polyhedral  objects  with  relative    motion,”IEEE  Int.
 減少,將會影響	 Fast	 Marching	 本身的精確,如何在  Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, Ann Arbor, Michigan,   2010.
 路線優化與計算效率之間取得適當平衡點,也是我們  July, 2007.                             21.  Wei JH, Liu JS, 2010, “Generating Minimax-Curvature and Shorter
 要研究的課題。      9.   Liu JS, Hung KT, Chang YZ, 2007,“Safe and shorter cubic spiral path   η3–Spline Path Using Multi-Objective Variable-Length Genetic Al-
                  planning for autonomous mobile robot in the dynamic environment   gorithm,” 2010 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sens-
 4.	 當前我們處理的情形大都侷限在平面2維的情形,但  by evolutionary multi-objective optimization, ”International Forum   ing and Control, April, 2010, Chicago, IL, USA
 是未來考量到更廣範的應用,例如飛行器於	3D	空間  on Systems and Mechatronics, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 2007 (invited).
 中的行進規劃,則	3D	情況下的	Fast	Marching	之研究  10.  Chiang CH, Chiang PJ, Fei Jerry C., Liu JS, 2007,“A Comparative
 也是不可免。維數提高,除計算量大大增加、需要更  Study  of  Implementing  Fast  Marching  Method  and A*  Search  for
 有效快速的演算機制外,還有許多在簡化的	2D	情形  Mobile  Robot  Path  Planning  in  Grid  Environment:  Effect  of  Map
 下所看不出來的問題等待解決處理。  Resolution,” 2007 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its So-
                  cial Impact, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Dec. 2007.
              11.  Liu JS and Pan WH, 2007, “Computing range of motion for coherent
                  contact maintenance/transition of two moving scaled convex polyhe-
                  dral objects,”2007 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Biomimetics, Sanya,
                  Hainan, China, Dec. 2007.
              12.  Liu JS, Hung KT, Chang YZ, 2008, “Offline smooth mobile robot
                  path planning in dynamic environments using evolutionary multiob-
                  jective optimization,” 2008 IEEE International Conference on Dis-
                  tributed Human-Machine Systems, Athens, Greece, Mar., 2008.
              13.  Wei JH, Liu JS, 2008, “ Collision-free composite eta3-splines path
                  planning for nonholonomic mobile robot by parallel variable-length
                  genetic  algorithm,”  Int.  Conf.  Computational  Intelligence  in  Mod-
                  eling, Control, and Automation, Vienna, Austria, Dec. 2008.

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