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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow	(Joint	Appointment),	CITI,	Academia	Sinica	  	 ƒ K.	T.	Li	Distinguished	Young	Scholar	Award,	ACM	Taipei/Taiwan
 陳昇瑋 Sheng-Wei (Kuan-Ta) Chen  (2008/02	-	)                          Chapter	(2009)
               	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	IIS,	Academia	Sinica	(2006/08	-	)  	 ƒ Best	Paper	Award,	International	Workshop	on	Security	(IWSEC	2008)
               	 ● Visiting	Scholar,	University	of	California,	Los	Angeles,	Institute	of	  	 ƒ Best	Dissertation	Award	(Merit	Award),	Institute	of	Information	&
                Pured	and	Applied	Mathematics,	United	States	(2008/09	-	2008/12)  Computing	Machinery,	Taiwan	(2006)
 助研究員 Assistant Research Fellow  	 ● Ph.D.,	Department	of	Electrical	Engineering,	National	Taiwan	Univer-  	 ƒ Honorable	Mention	&	Team	Leader,	ACM	International	Collegiate
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University  sity	(2002	-	2006)  Programming	Contest	World	Finals,	Netherlands	(1999)
               	 ● M.S.,	Department	of	Computer	Science,	Department	of	Computer	  	 ƒ Finalist,	ZDNet	Shareware	Awards	(XDesktop)	(1997)
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1712  Science,	National	Tsing	Hua	University	(1998	-	2000)
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814  	 ● B.S.,	Department	of	Computer	Science,	National	Tsing	Hua	University
 Email:  (1994	-	1998)

              代表著作 Publications
 Research Description

 My	general	research	area	is	computer	networking,	and	one	of	my	major	interests	is	  1.   “Network  Game Design: Hints  and  Implications  of  Player Interac-  18.  “OneClick: A Framework for Measuring Network Quality of Experi-
                                                                      ence,” Kuan-Ta Chen, Cheng Chun Tu, and Wei-Cheng Xiao, IEEE
                 tion,” Kuan-Ta Chen and Chin-Laung Lei, ACM NetGames 2006.
 improving	users’	network	experiences	and	perceptions	of	network	quality.	Compu-
 研究簡介  ter	networks	are	almost	ubiquitous,	and	the	concept	of	“anytime-anywhere”	com-  2.   “On the Sensitivity of Online Game Playing Time to Network QoS,”   INFOCOM 2009.
 munication	is	rapidly	becoming	a	reality	for	millions	of	people.	However,	people	  Kuan-Ta Chen, Polly Huang, Guo-Shiuan Wang, Chun-Ying Huang,   19.  “A  Crowdsourceable  QoE  Evaluation  Framework  for  Multimedia
 我研究的是電腦網路,我在乎的是使用者的感受,我希  and Chin-Laung Lei, IEEE INFOCOM 2006.     Content,” Kuan-Ta Chen, Chen-Chi Wu, Yu-Chun Chang, and Chin-
 望的是電腦網路在融入並促進人們生活素質的同時,人  must	still	invest	time	and	effort	learning	about	and	adapting	to	this	relatively	new	  3.   “Quantifying Skype User Satisfaction,” Kuan-Ta Chen, Chun-Ying   Laung Lei, ACM Multimedia 2009.
 們永遠不再需要花功夫學習它、適應它甚至能夠感覺不  phenomenon	of	networking.	My	goal	is	to	make	it	a	seamless	part	of	everyday	life.  Huang, Polly Huang, and Chin-Laung Lei, ACM SIGCOMM 2006.  20.  “On the Challenge and Design of Transport Protocols for MMOR-
 到它的存在。  Therefore,	I	focus	on	developing	new	Internet	services	and	making	the	medium	  4.   “Game Traffic Analysis: An MMORPG Perspective,” Kuan-Ta Chen,   PGs,” Chen-Chi Wu Kuan-Ta Chen Chih-Ming Chen Polly Huang
                                                                      and  Chin-Laung  Lei,  Multimedia  Tools  and  Applications  (special
 more	user-friendly.		My	current	research	interests	span	the	following	areas:  Polly Huang, and Chin-Laung Lei, Computer Networks, Nov, 2006.
 因此,我把焦點放在如何讓網際網路的服務越多、障礙                                             issue on Massively Multiuser Online Gaming Systems and Applica-
 越少。現在的研究重心有幾項:  1)	Internet	Quality	of	Service:	I	hope	that	network	systems	will	become	smarter	and	  5.   “How Sensitive are Online Gamers to Network Quality?,” Kuan-Ta   tions), Oct, 2009.
                 Chen,  Polly  Huang,  and  Chin-Laung  Lei,  Communications  of  the
 more	responsive	to	people’s	needs.	For	example,	if	people	find	the	network	quality	  ACM, November, 2006.  21.  “Identifying MMORPG Bots: A Traffic Analysis Approach,” Kuan-
 1)	 網際網路的服務品質:我希望能讓網路系統更聰明體  is	unacceptable	when	attending	a	video	conference	or	playing	an	online	game,	the	  Ta Chen, Jhih-Wei Jiang, Polly Huang, Hao-Hua Chu, Chin-Laung
 貼善解人意,它知道現在的網路品質讓正在視訊會議或  systems	will	“perceive”	this	situation	and	know	how	to	adjust	the	parameters	and	re-  6.   “Secure  Multicast  in  Dynamic  Environments,”  Chun-Ying  Huang,   Lei, and Wen-Chin Chen, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal
 正在打線上遊戲的你有點不耐,它知道如何調整系統參  balance	the	network	resources	to	mitigate	the	problem.		Designing	such	smart	sys-  Yun-Peng Chiu, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Chin-Laung Lei, Computer Net-  Processing, 2009.
                 works, July, 2007.
 數或重新分配網路頻寬讓你能夠愉快些。這樣的系統要  tems	is	challenging.	Thus,	I	am	investigating	how	to	estimate	and	quantify	human	  22.  “Fighting Phishing with Discriminative Keypoint Features,” Kuan-Ta
 心思敏銳懂得察言觀色,而且更能懂得如何見機行事才  perceptions	and	reactions,	and	then	use	these	measures	in	the	design	of	computer	  7.   “Detection of MMORPG Bots Based on Behavior Analysis,” Ruck   Chen, Jau-Yuan Chen, Chun-Rong Huang, and Chu-Song Chen, IEEE
                 Thawonmas,  Yoshitaka  Kashifuji,  and  Kuan-Ta  Chen,  ACM  ACE
 行。這並不簡單。所以我努力思考如何估計及量化人們  systems.  2008.                            Internet Computing, May, 2009.
 的感覺及反應,並將其回饋至電腦系統的設計之中。  8.   “Game Bot Detection Based on Avatar Trajectory,” Kuan-Ta Chen,   23.  “Effect of Network Quality on Player Departure Behavior in Online
 2)	Network	Security:	I	hope	that,	in	the	not	too	distant	future,	people	will	not	have	  Games,”  Kuan-Ta  Chen,  Polly  Huang,  and  Chin-Laung  Lei,  IEEE
 2)	 網路安全:我希望人們不必先懂得安裝防毒軟體以及  Andrew  Liao,  Hsing-Kuo  Kenneth  Pao,  and  Hao-Hua  Chu,  IFIP   Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, May, 2009.
 上過一堂木馬、病毒及網路釣魚課程才敢讓他們的電腦  to	constantly	update	antivirus	tools	or	worry	about	trojan	horses,	computer	viruses,	  ICEC 2008.  24.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Bo-Chun Wang, and Kuan-Ta Chen, “The Design of
 連上網路,希望人們不再懼怕電腦文件無故被刪、信用  and	frauds	when	they	surf	on	the	Internet.	I	envisage	a	time	when	users’	network	  9.   “Inferring Speech Activities from Encrypted Skype Traffic,” Yu-Chun   Puzzle Selection Strategies for GWAP Systems,” Concurrency and
 卡動不動被盜刷、線上遊戲帳號被盜用、交友網站的帳  experiences	will	not	be	ruined	by	threats	to	privacy	and	acts	of	piracy;	for	example,	  Chang,  Kuan-Ta  Chen,  Chen-Chi  Wu,  and  Chin-Laung  Lei,  IEEE   Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., vol-
 號怎麼同事都知道。所以,如何偵測及防治網路上的惡  the	deletion	of	documents	by	malicious	software,	the	theft	of	credit	card	details	and	  Globecom 2008.  ume 22, number 7, pages 890-908, February 2010.
 意及詐騙行為也是我的研究領域之一。  online	game	accounts,	and	the	unauthorized	publication	of	sensitive	information,	  10.  “Toward an Understanding of the Processing Delay of Peer-to-Peer   25.  “Quadrant  of  Euphoria:  A  Crowdsourcing  Platform  for  QoE  As-
 such	as	how	often	a	user	links	to	dating	websites.	Thus,	how	to	detect	and	prevent	  Relay  Nodes,”  Kuan-Ta  Chen  and  Jing-Kai  Lou,  IEEE/IFIP  DSN   sessment,” Kuan-Ta Chen, Chi-Jui Chang, Chen-Chi Wu, Yu-Chun
 3)	 線上遊戲:我希望大家可以不用再忍受遊戲打到一半  malicious/fraudulent	activities	on	the	Internet	is	also	one	of	my	research	areas.  2008.  Chang, and Chin-Laung Lei, IEEE Network, volume 24, number 2,
 畫面停格,不必戴墨鏡看著別人開外掛穿著亮晶晶的高  3)	Online	Gaming:	Although	online	gaming	has	become	one	of	the	major	Internet	  11.  “Game  Bot  Identification  based  on  Manifold  Learning,”  Kuan-Ta   March 2010.
 等鎧甲牽著寵物逛大街,自己只能穿著皮甲打史萊姆超  activities,	when	playing	online	games,	users	are	often	bugged	by	serious	network	  Chen, Hsing-Kuo Kenneth Pao, and Hong-Chung Chang, ACM Net-  26.  “Can Skype be More Satisfying? -- A QoE-Centric Study of the FEC
 級不甘心;或者是連線對戰射擊遊戲,對方開著外掛永  lags;	or	they	must	tolerate	seeing	the	characters	of	cheaters	wearing	sparkling	magi-  Games 2008.  Mechanism in the Internet-Scale VoIP System,” Te-Yuan Huang, Pol-
 遠槍槍爆頭。另外更麻煩的安全問題不少玩家遇到過,  cal	armor	fighting	mighty	dragons	while	their	own	characters	can	only	wear	sec-  12.  “An Analysis of WoW Players Game Hours,” Pin-Yun Tarng, Kuan-  ly Huang, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Po-Jung Wang, IEEE Network, volume
                                                                      24, number 2, March 2010.
 登入遊戲時,竟然角色身上所有值錢的傢伙都已被駭客  ondhand	scale	armor	and	defeat	wild	dogs;	or	they	may	experience	in	being	shot	  Ta Chen, and Polly Huang, ACM NetGames 2008.
 剝光光,只能仰天長嘆。在這方面,我與線上遊戲公司  by	 bot-controlled	 characters	 with	 an	 all-the-time	 perfect	 accuracy	 while	 playing	  13.  “On Formal Models for Social Verification,” Chien-Ju Ho and Kuan-  27.  “Is Server Consolidation Beneficial to MMORPG? A Case Study of
                                                                      World of Warcraft,” Teng-Ting Lee and Kuan-Ta Chen, IEEE CLOUD
 合作,希望能夠在遊戲機制及使用者行為層面上,解決  first-person	shooting	games.		Moreover,	some	players	may	find	that	their	characters’	  Ta Chen, Human Computation Workshop 2009.  2010.
 目前線上遊戲所遇到的各式效能、公平性及安全議題。  14.  “KissKissBan: A Competitive Human Computation Game for Image
 valuable	virtual	goods	have	been	ripped	off	by	crackers	when	they	log	into	a	game.	 	  Annotation,” Chien-Ju Ho, Tao-Hsuan Chang, Jong-Chuan Lee, Jane
 I	have	teamed	up	with	online	game	companies	in	order	to	solve	these	problems	re-  Yung-jen  Hsu,  and  Kuan-Ta  Chen,  Human  Computation  Workshop
 lated	to	performance,	fairness,	and	security	from	the	aspect	of	game	design	mecha-  2009.
 nisms	and	human	behavior.  15.  “An Empirical Evaluation of VoIP Playout Buffer Dimensioning in
                 Skype,” Chen-Chi Wu, Kuan-Ta Chen, Chun-Ying Huang, and Chin-
                 Laung Lei, ACM NOSSDAV 2009.
              16.  “Automatic  Storytelling  in  Comics:  A  Case  Study  on  World  of
                 Warcraft,” Chia-Jung Chan, Ruck Thawonmas, and Kuan-Ta Chen,
                 ACM CHI 2009 (Works-in-Progress Program).
              17.  “Tuning the Redundancy Control Algorithm of Skype for User Sat-
                 isfaction,” Te-Yuan Huang, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Polly Huang, IEEE
                 INFOCOM 2009.

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