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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Ph.D.,	Computer	Science,	University	of	California	at	Los	Angeles
 陳伶志 Ling-Jyh Chen  (2005)
               	 ● M.S.,	Computer	Science,	University	of	California	at	Los	Angeles
               	 ● B.Ed.,	Information	and	Computer	Education,	National	Taiwan	Normal
 助研究員 Assistant Research Fellow  University	(1998)
 Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California at Los Angeles
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1702
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   Rohit Kapoor, Ling-Jyh Chen, Li Lao, Mario Gerla, and M. Y. Sanadidi.   semination in Opportunistic Networks. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in
                 CapProbe: A Simple and Accurate Capacity Estimation Technique. ACM   Communications, volume 26, number 5, pp. 761-772, June, 2008.
                 SIGCOMM 2004, Portland, USA, 2004. (also in ACM Computer Commu-
 研究簡介  Research Description  nication Review, vol 34, issue 4, pp. 67-78, Oct. 2004) (Acceptance Rate:   16.  Ling-Jyh  Chen,  Tony  Sun,  Bo-Chun  Wang,  M.  Y.  Sanadidi,  and  Mario
                 9.11%, 31/340)                                       Gerla.  PBProbe: A  Capacity  Estimation Tool  for  High  Speed  Networks.
                                                                      Computer Communications Journal, Elsevier, volume 31, number 17, pp.
 本人的研究興趣主要為電腦網路系統與應用服務。整體  My	research	interests	lie	in	the	area	of	computer	network	systems	and	applications.	  2.   Ling-Jyh Chen, Rohit Kapoor, M. Y. Sanadidi, and Mario Gerla. Enhancing   3883-3893, November, 2008.
 而言,我們的兩大研究目標為:(1)	 研究行動與無線網  The	primary	objectives	of	my	research	are	1)	to	understand	the	fundamental	prop-  Bluetooth TCP Throughput via Link Layer Packet Adaptation. IEEE In-  17.  Ling-Jyh Chen and Ting-Kai Huang. A Peer-to-Peer Approach for Mobile
                 ternational Conference on Communications (ICC’04), Paris, France, 2004.
 路之基本特性;(2)	研究提昇網路系統效能之可行方案。  erties	of	mobile	and	wireless	networks;	and	2)	to	investigate	feasible	solutions	that	  (Acceptance Rate: 29.33%, 864/2946)  File Transfer in Opportunistic People Networks. IEEE International Con-
                                                                      ference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA’08),
 facilitate	more	enjoyable	network	experience	for	end	users.	  3.   Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, M. Y. Sanadidi, and Mario Gerla. Improving   Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, 2008. (Acceptance Rate: 31.34%, 147/469)
 更進一步說明,在過去的研究當中,我們已針對現行各  Wireless Link Throughput via Interleaved FEC. IEEE Symposium on Com-
 式無線網路科技間,彼此互相干擾的問題,利用數學分  Specifically,	we	have	studied	the	interference	issue	among	various	popular	wire-  puters and Communications (ISCC’04), Alexandria, Egypt, 2004.  18.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Bo-Chun Wang, Kuan-Ta Chen, Irwin King, and Jimmy
                                                                      Ho-Man Lee. An Analytical Study of Puzzle Selection Strategies for the
 析與實機試驗,進行深入的研究;同時,我們更針對不  less	technologies	through	analysis	and	experiments,	and	we	have	proposed	several	  4.   Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Benny Chen, Venkatesh Rajendran, and Mario   ESP Game. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
 同的無線網路科技,以及不同的網路應用服務,提出數  cross	 layer	 integration	 approaches	 to	 improve	 application	 performance	 in	 error-  Gerla. A Smart Decision Model for Vertical Handoff. ANWIRE Internation-  (WI’08), Sydney, Australia, 2008.
                 al Workshop on Wireless Internet and Reconfigurability (ANWIRE’04, in
 種跨層整合式	(Cross	Layer	Integration)	的解決方案。此  prone	wireless	networks.	We	have	designed	a	simple	yet	practical	solution	to	pro-  conjunction with IFIP Networking’04), Athens, Greece, 2004.  19.  Chien-Wei  Lin,  Kuan-Ta  Chen,  Ling-Jyh  Chen,  Irwin  King,  and  Jimmy
                                                                      Ho-Man Lee. An Analytical Approach to Optimizing The Utility of ESP
 外,針對日益增加與普及的行動網路需求,我們亦設  vide	seamless	vertical	handovers	for	mobile	users,	as	well	as	an	intelligent	decision	  5.   Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Guang Yang, M. Y. Sanadidi, and Mario Gerla.   Games.  IEEE/WIC/ACM  International  Conference  on  Web  Intelligence
 計了一套簡易且實用的無縫式垂直切換方案,並且同時  module	to	determine	the	“best”	target	Internet	connection	at	a	time.	In	addition,	we	  End-to-end Asymmetric Link Capacity Estimation. IFIP Networking 2005,   (WI’08), Sydney, Australia, 2008.
                 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2005. (also in LNCS 3462, ISBN 3-540-25809-
 發展出一套智慧型的網路決策系統,讓網路系統能主動  have	developed	effective	routing	protocols	for	delay/disruption	tolerant	networks,	  4, pp. 780-791, Springer, 2005) (Acceptance Rate: 24.65%, 106/430)  20.  Ieng-Fat Lam, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Ling-Jyh Chen. Involuntary Informa-
 地偵測各式的網路連線資源,並自行切換到當下最佳之  and	we	have	designed	a	content-centric	approach	that	combines	the	strengths	of	  6.   Anders Persson, Cesar A. C. Marcondes, Ling-Jyh Chen, M. Y. Sanadidi,   tion Leakage in Social Network Services. International Workshop on Secu-
                                                                      rity (IWSEC’08), Kagawa, Japan, 2008. (also in LNCS 5312, pp. 167-183,
 網路連線方式。除此之外,我們亦針對耐延遲網路的特  layered	coding	and	multiple	description	coding	to	facilitate	content	sharing	in	op-  and Mario Gerla. TCP Probe: A TCP with built-in Path Capacity Estimation.   Springer, 2008) (Acceptance Rate: 19.15%, 18/94)(Best Paper Award)
 性,開發一系列高效能的網路路由方法,並且整合階層  portunistic	networks.	Finally,	we	have	investigated	the	network	reliability	issue	for	  IEEE Global Internet Symposium (in conjunction with IEEE Infocom’05),   21.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Rohit Kapoor, Sewook Jung, M. Y. Sanadidi, and Mario
                 Miami, USA, 2005.
 式編碼與多重描述編碼,設計以資料內容為基準之臨機  emerging	collaborative	wireless	communication	systems/applications,	and	we	have	  7.   Guang Yang, Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Mario Gerla, and M. Y. Sanadidi.   Gerla. An Adaptive ARQ  Timeout Approach  for Audio  Streaming  over
                                                                      Bluetooth. International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Inder-
 網路資料傳輸機制。最後,我們亦著手探討在新興合作  designed	a	set	of	system	design	strategies	for	emerging	social	computing	systems.  Smooth and Efficient Real-time Video Transport in Presence of Wireless   science, volume 3, number 4, pp. 255-264, 2009
 式無線網路系統中有關網路架構之安全與可靠度議題,  My	ongoing	research	is	mainly	focused	on	providing	self-configuration,	self-healing,	  Errors.  ACM  Transactions  on  Multimedia  Computing,  Communications   22.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Guang Yang, M. Y. Sanadidi, and Mario Gerla.
                 and Applications, volume 2, number 2, pp. 109-126, May, 2006.
 並且針對新興社群運算服務研發各項系統設計與運作準  self-optimization,	and	self-protection	mechanisms	for	data	dissemination	in	chal-  8.   Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Guang Yang, M. Y. Sanadidi, and Mario Gerla.   AdHoc Probe: End to end Capacity Probing in Ad Hoc Networks. Wire-
                                                                      less Networks, ACM/Springer, volume 15, number 1, pp. 111-126, January,
 則。              Monitoring Access Link Capacity Using TFRC Probe. Computer Commu-  2009.
 lenged	environments.	We	intend	to	apply	our	results	to	real-world	networked	sens-  nications Journal, Elsevier, volume 29, number 10, pp. 1605-1613, June,
 我們現階段的研究計劃主要針對臨機網路中資料傳輸的  ing	systems,	such	as	mobile	search	and	rescue	nodes	in	disaster	areas	(where	com-  2006.  23.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Ying-Yu Chen, Kun-chan Lan, and Chien-Ming Chou. Lo-
                                                                      calized Data Dissemination in Vehicular Sensing Networks. IEEE Vehicular
 機制,持續研究其自我設定機制、自我調校機制、自我  munication	infrastructures	have	been	disabled	by	earthquakes,	hurricanes,	wildfires,	  9.   Ling-Jyh  Chen,  Chen-Hung  Yu,  Tony  Sun,  Yung-Chih  Chen,  and  Hao-  Networking Conference (VNC’09), Tokyo, Japan, 2009.
 最佳化機制、以及自我保護機制等課題。同時,我們亦  or	flooding)	and	scientific	monitoring	of	wilderness	areas	(remote	monitoring	of	  hua Chu. A Hybrid Routing Approach for Opportunistic Networks. ACM   24.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Yu-Song Syu, Bo-Chun Wang, and Wang-Chien Lee. An
                 SIGCOMM Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS’06), Pisa, Italy,
 計劃於日後能將我們的研究成果,應用於真實之臨機網  various	forms	of	wildlife).	Moreover,	we	wish	to	incorporate	our	research	results	with	  2006.  Analytical Study of GWAP-based Geospatial Tagging Systems. IEEE In-
 路服務上,並且結合社群網路應用,促進未來各種結合  emerging	social	computing	systems	to	facilitate	cyber-physical	social	network	sys-  10.  Guang Yang, Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Biao Zhou, and Mario Gerla. Ad-  ternational Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applica-
                                                                      tions and Worksharing (CollaborateCom’09), Washinton D.C., USA, 2009.
 資訊科技與實體空間之網路應用系統發展。  tems	in	the	future.  hoc Storage Overlay System (ASOS): A Delay-Tolerant Approach in MAN-  (Acceptance Rate: 34.57%, 28/81)
                 ETs. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems
                 (MASS’06), Vancouver, Canada, 2006. (Acceptance Rate: 24.87%, 49/197)  25.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Che-Liang Chiou, and Yi-Chao Chen. An Evaluation of
                                                                      Routing  Reliability  in  Non-Collaborative  Opportunistic  Networks.  IEEE
              11.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Li Lao, Guang Yang, M. Y. Sanadidi, and Mario   International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Appli-
                 Gerla. Estimating Link Capacity in High Speed Networks. IFIP Networking   cations (AINA’09), Bradford, UK, 2009. (Acceptance Rate: ~33%)
                 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, 2006. (also in LNCS 3976, ISBN 3-540-34192-7,
                 pp. 98-109, Springer, 2006) (Acceptance Rate: 20%, 88/440)  26.  Ling-Jyh Chen and Yung-Chih Chen. An Analytical Study of People Mobil-
                                                                      ity in Opportunistic Networks. Journal of Information Science and Engi-
              12.  Tony Sun, Ling-Jyh Chen, Chih-Chieh Han, Guang Yang, and Mario Gerla.   neering, volume 26, number 1, pp. 197-214, January, 2010.
                 Measuring Effective Capacity of IEEE 802.15.4 Beaconless Mode. IEEE
                 Wireless  Communications  and  Networking  Conference  (WCNC’06),  Las   27.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, and Nia-Chang Liang. An Evaluation Study of
                                                                      Mobility Support in ZigBee Networks. Journal of Signal Processing Sys-
                 Vegas, USA, 2006.
                                                                      tems, Springer, volume 59, number 1, P.P. 111-122, April, 2010.
              13.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Yung-Chih Chen, Tony Sun, Paruveli Sreedevi, Kuan-Ta
                 Chen, Chen-Hung Yu, and Hao-hua Chu. Finding Self-Similarities in Op-  28.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Bo-Chun Wang, and Kuan-Ta Chen. The Design of Puz-
                                                                      zle Selection Strategies for GWAP Systems. Journal of Concurrency and
                 portunistic  People  Networks.  IEEE  Conference  on  Computer  Communi-
                 cations (Infocom’07), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2007. (Acceptance Rate:   Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., volume
                                                                      22, number 7, P.P. 890-908, May, 2010.
                 21.4%, 300/1400)
                                                                  29.  Ling-Jyh Chen and Hao-Hsiang Hung. A Two-State Markov-based Wireless
              14.  Wei-Cheng Xiao, Ling-Jyh Chen, Shih-Hsuan Tang, and Cheng-Fu Chou.
                 VIP:  a Virtual  Interface-based  aPproach  for  vertical  handover  in  single-  Error Model for Bluetooth Networks. Accepted for publication in Wireless
                                                                      Personal Communications, Springer.
                 subnet networks. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information
                 Networking and Applications (AINA’07), Niagara Falls, Canada, 2007. (Ac-  30.  Jyh-How Huang, Ying-Yu Chen, Yu-Te Huang, Po-Yen Lin, Yi-Chao Chen,
                 ceptance Rate: 30.18%, 134/444)                      Yi-Fu Lin, Shih-Ching Yen, Polly Huang, and Ling-Jyh Chen. Rapid Proto-
                                                                      typing for Wildlife and Ecological Monitoring. Accepted for publication in
              15.  Ling-Jyh  Chen,  Chen-Hung  Yu,  Cheng-Long  Tseng,  Hao-hua  Chu,  and
                 Cheng-Fu  Chou. A  Content-Centric  Framework  for  Effective  Data  Dis-  the IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE.
 92                                                                                                              93
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98