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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	Academia	Sinica	  	 ƒ Editor,	International	Journal	of	Computer	Processing	of	Languages
 陳克健 Keh-Jiann Chen  (1989	-	)	                                    	 ƒ Editor-in-chief,	The	International	Journal	of	Computational	Linguis-
               	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	  tics	and	Chinese	Language	Processing	(1996	-	2004)
                Academia	Sinica	(1981/8	-	1989/7)                  	 ƒ 2nd	term	president,	The	Computational	Linguistic	and	Chinese
               	 ● Ph.D.,	Computer	Science,	State	University	of	New	York	at	Buffalo	  Language	Processing	Society	(ROCLING)	(1991	-	1993)
 研究員 Research Fellow  (1981)
 Ph.D., Computer Science, State University of New York at Buffalo
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1510
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   Chia-Hung Tai, Jia-zen Fan, Shu-Ling, Huang and Keh-Jiann Chen,   14.  Chen, K.J. & Yu-Ming Hsieh, 2005, “Chinese Treebanks and Gram-
                 2009, “Automatic Sense Derivation for Determinative-Measure Com-  mar Extraction”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Natural Lan-
 研究簡介  Research Description  pounds under the Framework of  E-HowNet,” International Journal   guage Processing – IJCNLP 2004: First International Joint Confer-
                 of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, vol.
                                                                      ence,  Hainan  Island,  China,  March  22-24,  2004,  Revised  Selected
                 14, #1, pp19-44.                                     Papers, Editors:  Keh-Yih Su, Jun’ichi Tsujii, Jong-Hyeok Lee, et al.
 知識建構是一件耗時費事的大工程,我們在過去二十多  Construction	of	ontology	and	common	sense	knowledge	databases	is	very	time	  P.655-661.
 年發展了中文處理基礎建設為未來的自動化知識建構打  consuming.	In	the	last	twenty	some	years,	we	have	developed	an	infrastructure	for	  2.   Chen,Keh-Jiann and Shu-Ling Huang, 2009, “A Step toward Com-  15.  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  Shu-Ling  Huang,  Yueh-Yin  Shih,  Yi-Jun  Chen,
                 positional Semantics: E-HowNet a Lexical Semantic Representation
 下基礎。這些基礎建設包含標記語料庫、句結構樹資料  Chinese	 language	 processing	 that	 includes	 part-of-speech	 tagged	 corpora,	 tree-  System”  Proceedings  of  the  23   Pacific Asia  Conference  on  Lan-  2005, “Extended-HowNet: A Representational Framework for Con-
 庫、詞彙庫、中文語法、詞彙分析系統及句剖析器等。  bank,	Chinese	lexical	databases,	Chinese	grammar,	word	identification	systems,	and	  guage, Information and Computation, pp. 1-8.  cepts”, Proceedings of Ontolex 2005, pp.1-6.
 我們將利用完成的基礎知識與技術來自動抽取網路文件  sentence	parsers.	In	the	future	we	will	utilize	the	developed	infrastructure	to	ex-  3.   Bai, Ming-Hong, Jia-Ming You, Keh-Jiann Chen, and Jason S. Chang,   16.  Shih, Yueh-Yin,  Shu-Ling  Huang, Yi-Jun  Chen  ,  Keh-Jiann  Chen,
 中隱含的訊息,擴充現有知識架構並建立領域知識庫及  tract	linguistic	and	domain	knowledge	from	various	corpora	and	texts	on	the	Web	  2009, “Acquiring Translation Equivalences of Multiword Expressions   2005, “Semantic Representation and Composition for Spatial Con-
 詞彙知識庫。我們將連結不同的知識庫形成一個完整的  to	enhance	current	knowledge	databases.	The	targeted	databases	include	general	  by  Normalized  Correlation  Frequencies”  Proceedings  of  EMNLP   cepts  in  Extended-HowNet”,  Proceeding  of  NLPKE  2005,  pp.735-
 概念網以提高計算機推理及語言了解能力。在知識表達  domain	ontology,	special	domain	ontology,	as	well	as	lexical,	syntactic,	and	seman-  2009.  740.
 研究方面我們將研究知識架構的基礎理論及細緻語意的  tic	knowledge	databases.	The	various	databases	will	be	inter-connected	to	form	a	  4.   Huang, Shu-Ling, and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2008, “Knowledge Represen-  17.  Li,  Shih-Min,  Su-Chu  Lin,  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2005,  “A  Probe  into
 表達模式-知網擴充版。藉由分析近義詞的細微差別來找  ConceptNet	for	language	processing	and	logical	inference.	For	knowledge	repre-  tation and Sense Disambiguation for Interrogatives in E-HowNet,“ In-  Ambiguities of Determinative-measure Compounds”, Proceedings of
                                                                      ROCLING 2005, pp.247-256.
                 ternational Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese language
 出細緻語意的表達方式及語意的合成機制。我們也將改  sentation	we	study	the	logical	foundation	of	ontology	and	fine-grain	semantic	rep-  Processing(IJCLCLP), Vol. 13, #3, p. 255-278.  18.  Tsai Yu-Fang and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2004, “Reliable and Cost-Effec-
 善並整合當下最重要的一些知識架構如詞網、知網及事  resentation.	We	also	study	near-synonyms	to	identify	fine-grain	differences	between	  5.   Shu-Ling  Huang,  Shih  Yueh-Yin,  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2008,  “The   tive Pos-Tagging”, International Journal of Computational Linguis-
 件框架網,以達到較佳的整合知識表達系統。我們將發  synonyms.	These	processes	enable	us	to	better	understand	meaning	representa-  Knowledge  Representation  for  Comparison  Words  in  Extended-  tics & Chinese Language Processing, Vol. 9 #1, pp83-96.
 展以概念為中心的中文處理技術,所發展的技術將利用  tion	and	meaning	composition.	We	will	remodel	the	current	ontology	structures	of	  HowNet”, Language and Linguistics, Vol. 9, #2, P. 395-414.  19.  Hua-jui Peng, Chi-ching Chen , Chiu-yu Tseng, and Keh-jiann Chen
 自動抽取得到的統計、語言語法及常識訊息作為基礎知  WordNet,	HowNet,	and	FrameNet	to	achieve	a	better	and	more	unified	representa-  6.   Ming-Hong Bai, Keh-Jiann Chen and Jason S. Chang, 2008, Improv-  2004, “Predicting Prosodic Words from Lexical Words- a First Step
 識用於分析文件的概念結構並瞭解文件的意義,進而抽  tion,	called	Extended-HowNet.	In	addition,	we	will	study	modal	logics	and	integrate	  ing Word Alignment by Adjusting Chinese Word Segmentation, IJC-  Towards Predicting Prosody from Text” Proceedings of the 4  Inter-
 取新的知識。以上步驟形成一個自動化的學習系統,語  modal	logic	systems	into	a	unified	framework	and	develop	automated	inference	and	  NLP 2008.  national Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing.
 文處理系統可經由自動分析學習新知逐日更新知識庫,  theorem	proving	methods	based	on	the	logical	framework.	We	will	focus	on	concep-  7.   Duen-Chi Yang, Yu-Ming Hsieh, and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2008, Resolv-  20.  You, Jia-Ming, Keh-Jiann Chen, 2004 “Automatic Semantic Role As-
 同時也藉由知識庫的更新增進了語文處理的能力。  tual	processing	of	Chinese	documents.	The	design	of	knowledge-based	language	  ing  Ambiguities  of  Chinese  Conjunctive  Structures  by  Divide-and-  signment for a Tree Structure”, Proceedings of SIGHAN workshop.
                 conquer Approaches, IJCNLP2008.
 processing	systems	will	utilize	statistical,	linguistic,	and	commonsense	knowledge	  21.  Chu-Ren  Huang,  Chun-ling  Chen,  Cui-Xia  Weng,  and  Keh-Jiann
 provided	by	our	evolving	ConceptNet	to	parse	the	conceptual	structures	of	sentenc-  8.   Hsieh, Yu-Ming,  Duen-Chi Yang,  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2007,”Improve   Chen.  2004  “The  Sinica  Sense  Management  System:  Design  and
                 Parsing  Performance  by  Self-Learning”,  International  Journal  of
                                                                      Implementation”  Proceedings  of  5   Lexical  Semantics  Workshop
 es	and	interpret	the	meanings	of	sentences.	Knowledge-based	language	processing	  Computational  Linguistics  and  Chinese  Language  Processing,  Vol.   (CLSW-5) , pp15-22.
 systems	incorporate	knowledge	bases	to	form	a	learning	system.	Thus,	language	  12, #2, P. 195-216.  22.  Lin, Su-Chu, Shih-Min Li, and Keh-Jiann Chen. 2004 “Taxonomy of
 processing	systems	 increase	 their	 processing	 power	 due	 to	 enhancement	of	 the	  9.   Li, Shih-Min, Su-Chu Lin, Keh-Jiann Chen, 2006, “A Probe into Am-  Fine-grain Semantic Roles for Nominal Modifiers” Proceedings of 5
 knowledge	bases.	Conversely,	the	knowledge	bases	are	evolving	due	to	the	auto-  biguities of Determinative-measure Compounds”, International Jour-  Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW-5) , pp259-263.
 matic	knowledge	extraction	made	by	language	processing	systems.  nal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing,   23.  Chen,  Keh-Jiann,  Chu-Ren  Huang,  Feng-Yi  Chen,  Chi-Ching
                 Vol. 11, #3, P. 245-280
                                                                      Luo,Ming-Chung Chang, Chao-Jan Chen, and Zhao-Ming Gao, 2003,
              10.  Ming-Hong Bai, Keh-Jiann Chen, Jason S. Chang, 2006, “Sense Ex-  “Sinica Treebank: Design Criteria, Representational Issues and Im-
                 traction and Disambiguation for Chinese Words from Bilingual Ter-  plementation”. In Anne Abeille (Ed.) Treebanks Building and Using
                 minology Bank”, International Journal of Computational Linguistics   Parsed  Corpora.  Language  and  Speech  series.  Dordrecht:Kluwer,
                 and Chinese Language Processing, Vol. 11, #3, P. 223-244  pp231-248.
              11.  Case, John, Keh-Jiann Chen, Sanjay Jain, Wolfgang Merkle, James   24.  Tsai Yu-Fang  and  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2003,  “Context-rule  Model  for
                 S. Royer, 2006, “ Generality’s price: Inescapable deficiencies in ma-  POS Tagging”, Proceedings of PACLIC 17, pp146-151.
                 chine-learned programs”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Vol. 139,   25.  Keh-Jiann Chen, Jia-Ming You, Dee-Hwa Kao, & Cheng-Huei Wu,
                 P. 303-326.
                                                                      2003, “Design of Lexical Databases for Financial Domain”, Proceed-
              12.  Li, Shih-Min, Su-Chu Lin, and Keh-Jiann Chen. 2005 “Feature Rep-  ing of NLPKE 2003, PP 781-789.
                 resentations  and  Logical  Compatibility  between Temporal Adverbs   26.  Ma,  Wei-Yun  and  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2003,  “A  Bottom-up  Merging
                 and Aspects”, International Journal of Computational Linguistics and   Algorithm for Chinese Unknown Word Extraction”, Proceedings of
                 Chinese Language Processing, Vol. 10, #4, P.445-458.
                                                                      ACL, Second SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing,
              13.  Hsieh, Yu-Ming, Duen-Chi Yang, Keh-Jiann Chen, 2005, “Linguis-  pp31-38.
                 tically-Motivated Grammar Extraction, Generalization, and Adapta-
                 tion”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Natural Language Process-  27.  Ma, Wei-Yun and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2003, “Introduction to CKIP Chi-
                                                                      nese Word Segmentation System for the First International Chinese
                 ing  –  IJCNLP  2005:  Second  International  Joint  Conference,  Jeju   Word Segmentation Bakeoff”, Proceedings of ACL, Second SIGHAN
                 Island, Korea, October 2005, Editors:  Kam-Fai Wong, Jian Su, Oi   Workshop on Chinese Language Processing, pp168-171.
                 Yee Kwong. P.177-187.
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