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研究人員   |   Research Faculty

               	 ● Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	Academia	Sinica	  	 ● Member	of	Technical	Staff,	AT&T	Bell	Laboratories	(1989-1992)
 陳孟彰 Meng Chang Chen  (2007-)                                      	 ● Ph.D.,	CS,	University	of	California,	Los	Angels	(1989)
               	 ● Associate	Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,
                Academia	Sinica	(1996-2007)
               	 ● Chair	of	Standards	and	Technology	Transfer	Group,	National	Science
 研究員 Research Fellow  &	Technology	Program	for	Telecommunications	Office	(NTPO)	(2001-
 Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California, Los Angels  2003)
               	 ● Deputy	Director,	Institute	of	Information	Science,	Academia	Sinica
 Tel:	+886-2-2788-3799	ext.	1802  (1999-2002),(2009-present)
 Fax:	+886-2-2782-4814  	 ● Assistant	Research	Fellow,	Institute	of	Information	Science,
 Email:  Academia	Sinica	(1993-1996)  	 ● Associate	Professor,	National	Sun	Yat-Sen	University	(1992-1993)

              代表著作 Publications

              1.   “Extending the TAM Model to Explore the Factors that Affect the Inten-  Sun, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue
                  tion to Use an Online Learning Community”, I.-Fan Liu, Meng Chang   on Wireless Overlay Networks Based on Mobile IPv6, November 2005.
                  Chen, Yeali Sun, David Wible, Chin-Hwa Kuo, Computers and Educa-
 Research Description  tion, pp. 600-610, Feb. 2010..             17.  “ACIRD:  Intelligent  Internet  Documents  Organization  and  Retrieval”,
                                                                      Shian-Hua  Lin,  Meng  Chang  Chen,  Jan-Ming  Ho,  and  Yueh-Ming
              2.   “Sniffing Out Correct Error Frame Model for the ns-2 Simulators”, Jeng   Huang, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, p599-
 In	the	past	5	years,	I	conducted	researches	in	the	following	  (2)	Network	Attack	Detection	and	Forensics  Farn Lee, Meng Chang Chen and Cheng Lin Tsao, Simulation Modelling   614, vol 14, no 3, 2002.
 areas	and	their	topics..	  We	study	the	following	issues:	(1)	Stealthy	Attack	and	Anomaly	Detection,	(2)	  Practice and Theory, pp. 1227-1240, August 2009.  18.  “Predictive Flow Control for TCP-Friendly End-to-end Real-Time Video
 Wireless	Location	Estimation.  3.   “An Adaptive Threshold Framework for Event Detection Using HMM-  on the Internet”, Yeali Sun, Fu-Ming Tsou and Meng Chang Chen, Com-
 (1)	Network	Systems:	WLAN/WiMAX	as	Access	Network  based Life Profiles”. Chien Chin Chen, Meng Chang Chen and Ming-  puter Communications, Volume 25, Issue 13, p1230-1242, August 2002.
 (1.1)	Mobility	management	  (3)	Collective	Knowledge	Discovery	and	Representation  Syan Chen, ACM Transactions on Information System, Feb. 2009.   19.  “PVA: A Self-Adaptive Personal View Agent”, Chien Chin Chen, Meng
 (1.2)	IEEE	802.11e	enhancements  We	study	the	following	issues:	(1)	Topic	detection	and	anatomy,	(2)	Prediction	  4.   “Enhanced Bulk Scheduling for Supporting Delay Sensitive Streaming   Chang Chen and Yeali Sun, International Journal on Intelligent Systems,
 (1.3)	Wireless	Mesh	Network  Market.  Applications”, Yung-Cheng  Tu,  Meng  Chang  Chen, Yeali  S.  Sun  and   p173-194, 18:2/3, 2002.
                  Wei-Kuan Shih, pp. 971-987, Volume 52, Issue 5, Computer Networks,
 (1.4)	Integration	802.11	and	802.16  April 2008.                 20.  “The Design of an Intelligent Web-Based Interactive Language Learn-
 (4)	IDKM	supports	for	E-Learning                                     ing System”, Chin-Hwa Kuo, David Wible, Meng Chang Chen, Li-Chun
 (2)	Network	Systems:	QoS	Networking	and	Traffic	Engineer-  We	study	the	following	issues:	(1)	Auto-quiz	for	English	Text,	(2)	Tagging	Assisted	  5.   “Using Incremental PLSI for Threshold Resilient Online Event Analy-  Sung, Nai-Lung Tsao and Chia-Lin Chio, International Journal on Edu-
                                                                      cational Computing Research, p227-246, vol. 27(3), 2002.
                  sis”, Tzu-chuan Chou and Meng Chang Chen, pp. 289-299, IEEE Trans-
 ing  Learning	and	Evaluation,	(3)	Personalized	Learning.  actions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, March 2008.
                                                                  21.  “Placement  of VBR Video  on  Zoned  Disks  for  Real-Time  Playback”,
 (2.1)	QoS	Scheduling	and	Queuing	  (5)	PLASH	(A	Platform	for	Location	Aware	Service	with	human	computation)  6.   “An Incentive-based Fairness Mechanism for Multi-hop Wireless Back-  Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen and Yeali Sun, IEICE Transactions on
 (2.2)	Flexible	End-to-end	Bulk	Scheduling	  I	coordinate	a	joint	project	PLASH	with	several	colleagues.	The	goals	of	PLASH	  haul Networks with Selfish Nodes”, Jeng Farn Lee, Wanjiun Liao, and   Information Systems, Vol.E84-D, No 12, p1767-1781, December 2001
                  Meng Chang Chen, pp. 697-704, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Com-
 (2.3)	Bandwidth	Reservation	and	Admission	Control  are	as	below.  munications, February 2008.  22.   “A SCSI Disk Model for Multimedia Storage Systems”, Meng Chang
                                                                      Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and Shie-Yuan Wang, Computer Sys-
 (2.4)	Protocols	and	protocol-friendly	flow	control  7.   “TCP Throughput Enhancement over Wireless Mesh Networks”, Li-Ping   tem Science & Engineering, June 1999.
 •	 To	 provide	 a	 platform	 to	 allow	 voluntary	 users	 via	“human	 computation	  Tung, Te-Chung Cho, Yeali S. Sun, Meng Chang Chen and Wei-Kuan
 (3)	IDKM:	Topic	discovery	and	event	detection  game”	to	contribute	their	observations/efforts	to	facilitate	difficult	location	  Shih, Pages 64-70, November 2007, IEEE Communications Magazine.   23.  “Extracting Classification Knowledge of Internet Documents with Min-
                                                                      ing Term Association: A Semantic Approach”, Shian-Hua Lin, Chi-Sheng
 (3.1)	Topic	Discovery	and	Anatomy  aware	tasks.  8.   “Inter-Frame  Space  (IFS)-based  Distributed  Fair  Queuing  in  IEEE   Shih, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Tat Ko, and Yueh-Ming
 (3.2)	Event	Detection	and	Tracking  –	 e.g.,	traffic	estimation,	trip	planning,	spot	locating,	city	profiling.  802.11 WLANs”, Jeng Farn Lee, Wanjiun Liao and Meng Chang Chen,   Huang, ACM SIGIR Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 1998
 (3.3)	Personalized	and	recommendation	system  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, May 2007.  24.  “Data Allocation and Dynamic Load Adjustment on Distributed Video
 •	 To	design	a	layered	architecture	to	allow	application	builders	to	conveniently	  9.   “Multi-Stage Two-Leg Bandwidth Reservation and Admission Control   Server System”, Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and
 create	their	systems.	  for Advance  Reservations  with  Uncertain  Service  Duration”, Yeali  S.   Jan-Ming Ho, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representa-
                                                                      tion, v 10 n 2 1999, p197-218.
                  Sun,  Yung-Cheng  Tu,  Meng  Chang  Chen  and  Wei-Kuan  Shih,  Pages
 Currently,	I	am	working	on	the	following	researches.  589-612, Volume 20, Issue 5, International Journal of Communication
 •	 To	explore	novel	technologies	to	support	the	location	aware	platform	and	  Systems, May 2007.  25.  “A  Buffer  Occupancy-Based  Adaptive  Flow  Control  and  Recovery
 (1)	Wireless	WMAN	&	WLAN	as	Access	Network  applications.  10.  ”WF2Q-M : Worst-case Fair Weighted Fair Queueing with Maximum   Scheme  for  Real-Time  Stored  MPEG Video Transport  over  Internet”,
                                                                      Yeali Sun, Fu-Ming Tsou and Meng Chang Chen, IEICE Transactions on
 We	study	the	following	issues:	(1)	heterogeneous	net-  Rate Control”, Jeng Farn lee, Meng Chang Chen and Yeali Sun, pp. 1403-  Communications, November 1998.
 work	 integration	 and	 seamless	 handoff,	 (2)	 mobility	  •	 To	provide	a	location-based	dataset	benchmark	for	various	research	needs  1420, Volume 51, Issue 6, Computer Networks, April 2007.  26.  “File Layout Design of VBR Video on Zoned-Disks”, Yu-Chung Wang,
 management	 and	 supports	 for	 high	 velocity	 vehicle,	  •	 To	build	a	“demonstratable”	prototype	to	transfer	to	potential	receivers.  11.  “An Aging Theory for Event Life Cycle Modeling”, Chien-Chin Chen,   Shiao-Li Tsao, Meng Chang Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Ming-Tat Ko, in
 (3)	multi-hop	transmission	(such	as	mesh	network	and	  Yao-Tsung and Meng Chang Chen, IEEE Transactions on System, Man   Real-Time Database and Information Systems edited by Azer Bestavros
                                                                      and Victor Fay-Wolfe, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
                  and Cybernetics, Part A, pp. 237-2428, Vol 37, No. 2, March 2007.
 backhaul	 network),	 (4)	 providing	 QoS	 for	 specific	 ap-         A preliminary version was published at Second International Workshop
 plications,	(5)performance	modeling	and	evaluation,	(6)	  12.  “A Differentiated Service Model for Enhanced Distributed Channel Ac-  on Real-Time Database, Burlington, VT, September 1997. .
                  cess (EDCA) of IEEE 802.11e WLANs”, Jeng Farn Lee, Wanjiun Liao
 supports	of	efficient	higher	layer	transmission	protocols	  and Meng Chang Chen, accepted to ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and   27.  “HiPEC: High Performance External Virtual Memory Caching”, Chao
 on	 wireless	 network,	 (7)	 authentication,	 security	 and	  Applications  (MONET),  Special  Issue  on Wireless  Broadband Access,   Hsien Lee, Meng Chang Chen and Ruei Chuan Chang, First Symposium
                                                                      on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Monterey, California,
                  Vol. 12, No. 1, Feb. 2007.
 billing.	                                                            November 14-17, 1994
              13.  “A new per-class flow fixed proportional differentiated service for multi-
                  service wireless LAN”, Meng Chang Chen, Li-Ping Tung, Yeali Sun, and   28.  “When  Client/Server  Isn’t  Enough:  Coordinating  Multiple  Distributed
                  Wei-Kuan Shih, pp.767-790, Computer Networks, February 2007.  Tasks”, Ting-peng Liang, Hsiang chu Lai, Nan-shing Chen, Gung Hsiung
                                                                      Wei and Meng Chang Chen, IEEE Computer, Vol. 27, No. 5, May 1994,
              14.  “Traffic Engineering for Provisioning Restorable Hose-Model VPNs”, a   pp. 73-79
                  Yu-Liang Liu, Yeali Sun and Meng Chang Chen, IEICE Transactions on
                  Communications, Special issue on Networking Technologies for Overlay   29.  “Summary Data Estimation Using Decision Trees”, Meng Chang Chen
                  Networks Vol.E89-B  No.9  pp.2394-2403, September 2006.  and Lawrence McNamee, in Knowledge Discovery in Databases, edited
                                                                      by G. Piatetsky-Shapiro and W. Frawley, published by AAAI press, 1991.
              15.  “MTRA: An On-Line Hose Model VPN Provisioning Algorithm,” Yu-  A preliminary version was published at IJCAI-89 Workshop on Knowl-
                  Liang Liu, Yeali Sun and Meng Chang Chen, Telecommunication Sys-  edge Discovery in Database, 1989,
                  tems, pp. 379-398, Vol. 31, Number 4, April, 2006. [SCI] [NSC 92-2213-
                  E-001-001]                                      30.  “On  the  Data  Model  and Access  Method  of  Summary  Data  Manage-
                                                                      ment”, Meng Chang Chen and Lawrence McNamee, IEEE Transactions
              16.  “A Framework of Handoffs in Wireless Overlay Networks Based on Mo-  on Knowledge and Data Engineering, December 1989.
                  bile IPv6”, Cheng Wei Lee, Leeming Chen, Meng Chang Chen and Yeali
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