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Research Faculty  研究人員

 副研究員      助研究員
   張 復 Fu Chang     張原豪 Yuan-Hao Chang

 Associate Research Fellow  Assistant Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Mathematical Statistics, Columbia University  Ph.D., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan
 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1819      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814  Tel: 886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1612      Fax: 886-2-2782-4814
 Email:  Email:

   ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1990 - )    ● M. S., Mathematics, North Carolina State University (1978)    ● Master Thesis Supervision Award, Institute of Information and     ● Ph. D. Paper Award of Taiwan Information Storage Association.
   ● Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, AT&T (1983 – 1990)    ● B. A., Philosophy, National Taiwan University (1973)  Computing Machinery (IICM). (2011)  (2009)
   ● Ph. D., Mathematical Statistics, Columbia University (1983)    ● Two-year’s project grant from National Science Council for excel-    ● Best paper nomination at the 44th ACM/IEEE Design Automation
             lent junior research investigators. (2011)           Conference (DAC) (2007)

 Research Description  Publications  Research Description       Publications

 My research interests lie in machine learning, document   1.  F. Chang, C.-J. Chen, and C.-J. Lu, A linear-time component-  My research interests lie in the area of computer systems,   1.  Yuan-Hao Chang, Jen-Wei Hsieh, and Tei-Wei Kuo, “Endur-
 image analysis, and some other related areas. With my lab   labeling algorithm using contour tracing technique, Computer   especially embedded systems, with the emphasis on stor-  ance Enhancement of Flash-Memory Storage Systems: An Ef-

 fellows, we created a few general methods as well as some   Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 206-220,   age systems and operating systems.   ficient Static Wear Leveling Design,” the ACM/IEEE Design
                                                                   Automation Conference (DAC), San Diego, California , USA,
 special techniques described as follows.  2004.  One of my recent research focuses is on storage system   Jun. 4-8, 2007. (Acceptance rate: 21%) (Best Paper Nomination
 Among  the  general  methods,  our  latest  invention  is  a   2.  F. Chang, C.-C. Lin, and C.-J. Lu, Adaptive prototype learn-  designs for embedded systems. Embedded systems, es-  (10/659) - Top Conference)
 learning algorithm, called decision tree support vector   ing algorithms: theoretical and experimental studies, Journal   pecially battery-backed consumer electronics such as   2.  Tei-Wei Kuo, Yuan-Hao Chang, Po-Chun Huang, and Che-Wei
 machine  (DTSVM), which  can  accelerate the  training of   of Machine Learning Research, vol. 7, pp. 2125-2148, 2006.  smartphones, usually adopt  ash memory as their stor-  Chang, “Special Issues in Flash,” the ACM/IEEE International

 SVMs by a factor of thousands and still achieves compa-  3.  C.-H. Chou, C.-C. Lin, Y.-H. Liu, and F. Chang, A prototype   age media. Because of the cost-reduction issue and the   Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose,
                                                                   California, USA, Nov. 10-13, 2008. (Acceptance rate: 23%)

 rable test accuracy. The other invention of ours is a linear-  classification method and its use in a hybrid solution for mul-  advance  of  manufacturing  technologies,   ash-based   (Top Conference)

 time component-labeling algorithm that identi es and   ticlass pattern recognition, Pattern Recognition, vol. 39, no. 4,   storage system designs face critical challenges on perfor-  3.  Yuan-Hao  Chang  and  Tei-Wei  Kuo,  “A  Commitment-based
 pp. 624-634, 2006.
 labels connected components within a single pass over   mance and reliability problems. Thus, we designed new   Management Strategy for the Performance and Reliability En-

 a 2D image and requires no re-labeling throughout the   4.  Y.-H. Liu, C.-C. Lin, W.-H. Lin, and F. Chang, Accelerating   cache systems for general-purpose  le systems with new   hancement of Flash-memory Storage Systems,” the ACM/IEEE
 process. In developing the above two methods, we have   feature-vector  matching  using multiple-tree  and sub-vector   non-volatile storage media to prevent from data losses   Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, Jul. 26-
 methods, Pattern Recognition, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 2392-2399,
                                                                   31, 2009. (Acceptance rate: 21%(148/682)) (Top Conference)

 made available tool kits for free download by the general   2007.  upon power losses and to improve the  le-system’s e -

 public. The log record shows that thousands of download   5.  C.-C.  Wu, C.-H. Chou, and F. Chang,  A machine-learning   ciency over  ash storage devices; we also developed new   4.  Yuan-Hao Chang, Jen-Wei Hsieh, and Tei-Wei Kuo, “Improv-
                                                                   ing Flash Wear-Leveling by Proactively Moving Static Data,”
 had been made from our website, re  ecting the fact that   approach for analyzing document layout structures with two   management schemes to solve the problems inhibited in   IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 53-65, Jan.

 the two methods have become popular instruments for   reading orders, Pattern Recognition, vol. 41, pp. 3200-3213,   the next-generation  ash-memory chips of fast-growing   2010.
 many researchers. The third invention of ours is a proto-  2008.  capacity. Now we are exploring energy-saving technolo-  5.  Yuan-Hao Chang, Jian-Hong Lin, Jen-Wei Hsieh, and Tei-Wei
 type learning algorithm that has found applications in   6.  F. Chang and C.-H. Chou, A bi-prototype theory of facial at-  gies to realize the concept of “green storage” in embedded   Kuo, “A Strategy to Emulate NOR Flash with NAND Flash,”
 OCR and, surprisingly, also in predicting the attractiveness   tractiveness, Neural Computation, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 890-910,   systems.  ACM Transactions on Storage, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 5:1-5:23, Jul.
 of human faces.  2009.  Another recent research focus is on the operating system
 Among the techniques that aim for solving some special   7.  F. Chang, C.-Y. Guo, X.-R. Lin, and C.-J. Lu, Tree Decom-  designs for embedded systems. Due to the fast-growing   6.  Yuan-Hao Chang and Tei-Wei Kuo, “A Management Strategy
                                                                   for the Reliability and Performance Improvement of MLC-
 problems, mainly oc-curring in the area of document im-  position for Large-Scale SVM Problems, Journal of Machine   capability of hardware resources and the fast-growing   based Flash-memory Storage Systems,” IEEE Transactions on
 age analysis, we have created a fast and reliable method   Learning Research, 11(Oct), pp. 2935−2972, 2010.  complexity of operating systems and mobile applications,   Computers, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 305-320, Mar. 2011.
 for estimating the skew angle of document images; a   8.  C.-H. Chou, W.-H. Lin, and F. Chang, A binarization method   the development of embedded systems faces critical chal-  7.  Pei-Han Hsu, Yuan-Hao Chang, Po-Chun Huang, Tei-Wei Kuo,
 learning-based binariza-tion method for document im-  with learning-built rules for document images  produced by   lenges in energy consumption and system performance.   and David Hung-Chang Du, “A Version-based Strategy for Re-
 ages that may have varying degree of brightness; a ma-  cameras, Pattern Recognition, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 1518-1530,   We developed new hibernation techniques to shut down   liability Enhancement of Flash File Systems,” the ACM/IEEE
 chine-learning approach for analyzing the layout structure   2010.  the operating system when the battery is running low, and   Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Diego, Jun. 5-10,
                                                                   2011. (Acceptance rate: 22.6%(156/690)) (Top Conference)

 of documents; a method for identifying the language type   9.  X.-R. Lin, C.-Y. Guo, and F. Chang, Classifying textual com-  to resume the operating system e ciently by stealing the   8.  Yuan-Hao Chang, Ping-Yi Hsu, Yung-Feng Lu, and  Tei-Wei
 of textual components, etc. Many of the above methods   ponents of bilingual  documents  with  decision-tree  support   idle time of storage devices. We also developed new tech-  Kuo, “A Driver-Layer Caching Policy for Removable Storage
 have turned into ingredients of an OCR software system.   vector machines, The 11  International Conference on Docu-  nologies to adjust the CPU frequencies and the devices’   Devices,” ACM Transactions on Storage, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1:1-
 One exciting application of this system is to transform   ment Analysis and Recognition, September 2011.  power modes for energy saving according to the system   1:23, Jun. 2011.
 hundreds of thousands volumes of Chinese legacy docu-  10.  F. Chang and C.-C. Liu, Solving large-scale multi-label SVM   runtime information. Now we are investigating the possi-  9.  Yuan-Hao Chang, Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Po-Chun Huang, and Pi-
 ments into digital contents.  problems with a tree decomposition approach, The 3  Asian   bility to develop new fast hibernation technologies with   Cheng Hsiu, “A Caching-Oriented Management Design for the

 Conference on Machine Learning, November 2011.   ner hibernation granularity to minimize the hibernation   Performance Enhancement of Solid-State Drives,” ACM Trans-
           overheads, and exploring the interplay between hardware   actions on Storage, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 3:1-3:21, Feb. 2012.
           resources for the developing of advanced resource sched-  10.  Po-Chun Huang, Yuan-Hao Chang, and Tei-Wei Kuo, “Joint
           uling technologies to minimize the energy consumption   Management of RAM and Flash Memory with Access Pattern
           of embedded systems.                                    Considerations,” the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Confer-
                                                                   ence (DAC), San Fracisco, Jun. 3-7, 2012. (Top Conference)
 70  Research Faculty
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