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Research Faculty  研究人員

 副研究員      研究員
   莊庭瑞 Tyng-Ruey Chuang    許鈞南 Chun-Nan Hsu

 Associate Research Fellow  Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University  Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Southern California

 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1613      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814  Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1801      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
 Email:  Email:

 攝影:張欽隆    Photo: Chin-Lung Chang

   ● Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Univer-    ● Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Aca-    ● Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2008/5– )    ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (1998/1–2002/1)
 sity, USA (2011/09 -- 2012/06)  demia Sinica, Taiwan (1994/1 -- 2001/9).    ● Visiting Research Scientist, IBM Research-Almaden (2005/1– )    ● Assistant Professor, CSE, ASU, U.S. (1996/1–1998/1)
   ● Associate Professor, Department of Information Management,     ● Guest Researcher, Department of Computing Science, Chalmers     ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2002/6–2008/5)    ● Research assistant, (ISD) ISI, USC, U.S. (1993/1–1996/1)
 National Taiwan University, Taiwan (2008/02 -- )  University of Technology, Sweden (1993/9 -- 1993/12).    ● Adjunct Assistant Professor, CSIE, NCTU (1999/1–2000/1)    ● Research assistant, EE, USC, U.S. (1992/1–1993/1)
   ● PhD in Computer Science, New York University (1993).
   ● Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science,     ● MS in Computer Science, New York University (1990).
 Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2001/10 -- ).    ● BS in Computer Science and Information Engineering, National   Research Description  Publications
 Taiwan University (1984).

 Research Description  Publications  My research interests include machine learning, data min-  1.  Peng JY, Lin CC, Chen  YJ, Kao LS, Liu  YC, Chou CC,
           ing, databases and bioinformatics. I gave a plenary pres-
                                                                   Huang YH, Chang FR, Wu YC, Tsai YS, Hsu CN. “Automatic

           entation in the  rst International Conference on Knowl-  Morphological  Subtyping Reveals New Roles of Caspases
 We do research in programming languages, Web technol-  1.  Chin-Lung Chang,  Yi-Hong Chang,  Tyng-Ruey Chuang,   edge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) in 1995, the only   in Mitochondrial  Dynamics.”PLoS Computational  Biology,
 ogies, geo-spatial informatics, and Internet and society.  Dong-Po Deng, and Andrea Wei-Ching Huang. Narrative geo-  graduate student among ten other senior scientists as ple-  7(10):e1002212, 2011.
 spatial knowledge in ethnographies: Representation and rea-    2.  Kuo CJ, Ling HT, Hsu CN. “Soft tagging of overlapping high
 We proposed a parametric content model for XML DTDs   soning. In 3  International Conference on GeoSpatial Seman-  nary presenters in the conference. In 1997, I was invited to   confidence gene mention variants for  cross-species  full-text

 (Document Type De nitions) and construct, automatically,   tics, pages 188-203. Mexico City, Mexico, December, 2009.   contribute a chapter in the book “Advances in Knowledge   gene normalization.”  BMC Bioinformatics, vol.12(Suppl
 their validation procedures. The model provides a basis for   2.  Dong-Po Deng, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, and Rob Lemmens. Con-  Discovery and Data Mining,” once considered the bible of   8):S6, 2011.
 typeful XML programming in ML (a type-safe program-  ceptualization  of place  via spatial  clustering  and co-occur-  data mining. In 1998, I was invited to contribute a research   3.  Lin YS, Lin CC, Tsai YS, Ku TC, Huang YH and Hsu CN.

 ming language with high-order functions and parametric   rence analysis. In 2009 International Workshop on Location   article to “Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,” the  rst   “A Spectral Graph Theoretic Approach to Quantification and

 modules) and leads to a theory of modular XML transfor-  Based Social  Networks, pages 49-56. Seattle,  Washington,   scienti c journal specialized in the subject. I co-founded   Calibration of Collective Morphological Differences in Cell
 mations. On the more practical side, we used XML and re-  USA, November, 2009.   DeepSpot Intelligent Systems Inc. in Taiwan in 2001 and   Images,” Bioinformatics, 26(12):i29-i37. Proceedings of the
                                                                   18  International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Mo-
 lated technologies, such as SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)   3.  Chia-Hsin Huang, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Dong-Po Deng, and   won three major government sponsored industrial awards   lecular Biology ISMB 2010
 and GML (Geography Markup Language), to implement   Hahn-Ming Lee. Building GML-native  Web-based Geo-  in 2003.
 novel Web-based geo-spatial information systems. We are   graphic Information Systems. Computers & Geosciences,   Since 2005, I have been the principal investigator of the   4.  Kuo CJ, Ling HT, Lin KT and Hsu CN.“BIOADI: a machine
                                                                   learning  approach  to  identifying  abbreviations  and  defini-

 now looking into research issues in the collaborative pro-  35(9):1802-1816, September 2009.   Advanced Bioinformatics Core, National Research Pro-  tions in biological literature.” BMC Bioinformatics, 10(Suppl
 duction of geo-spatial and spatiotemporal datasets.  4.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang and Max Schaefer. Status Report:  Lay-  gram in Genomic Medicine, Taiwan, and leading one of   15):S7. Supplement for selected articles from the InCoB 2009
 ered Streaming XML Processing with Modules. In 2007 ACM           conference.

 We investigate issues of program correctness and soft-  SIGPLAN Workshop on ML, pages 53-58. Freiburg, Germa-  the largest research e orts in computerized drug design

 ware safety from the perspective of modular software   ny, October, 2007.   and discovery in Taiwan. In 2006, the  rst drug candidate   5.  Hsu CN, Huang HS, Chang YM and Lee YJ. “Periodic step-
 construction. Modern functional languages such as ML   5.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang and Jan-Li Lin. On modular transforma-  due to the use of the software my team developed was   size adaptation  in second-order gradient descent for single-
                                                                   pass on-line structured learning,” Machine Learning, vol. 77,
 have built-in language constructs that support modular   tion of structural content. In 2004 ACM Symposium on Docu-  commercialized. In 2007, our teams achieved the best   no. 2-3, p.195-224,December, 2009.
 programming. However, for software safety properties   ment  Engineering, pages 201-210. Milwaukee,  Wisconsin,   scores in the BioCreative 2 text mining challenge, an in-  6.  Hsu CN, Chang YM, Huang HS and Lee YJ. “Periodic step-
 that go beyond type safety, the modularity of a software   USA, October 2004.   ternational contest sponsored by CNIO (Spanish Center of   size  adaptation  for single-pass  on-line  learning,”  NIPS 22,
 system usually plays a less important role. We aim to de-  6.  Min-Bin Chen, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, and Jan-Jan Wu. Efficient   Cancer Research), MITRE Co., and NCBI (National Center for   pages 763-771, December, 2009.

 velop principles and techniques to support module-level   parallel implementations of near Delaunay triangulation with   Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health,   7.  Hsu et al. “Integrating high dimensional bi-directional pars-
 veri cation for ML-like languages. We are especially inter-  High Performance Fortran. Concurrency  and Computation:   USA). The purpose of the contest was to evaluate whether   ing models for gene mention taggih International Conference

 ested  in  the “proofs-as-programs”  approach  to  program   Practice and Experience, 16(12):1143-1159, October 2004.   software systems can extract knowledge from a large col-  ISMB 2008.
 correctness as embodied in proof assistants (such as Coq)   7.  Rong-Guey Chang, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, and Jenq Kuen Lee.   lection of bio-medical research text automatically. In 2008,   8.  Hsu et al. “Detection of the inferred interaction network in
 and their program extraction mechanisms.  Support and optimization for parallel sparse programs with ar-  my paper was accepted for oral presentation in ISMB 2008,   hepatocellular  carcinoma  from EHCO (encyclopedia  of
 ray intrinsics of Fortran 90. Parallel Computing 304(4):527-  one of the most prestigious conferences in the  eld of bio-  hepatocellular  carcinoma  genes online).”BMC Bioinformat-

 550, April 2004.
           informatics and computational biology. Currently, I have   ics,8(66):1471-2105, 2007.
 8.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Y. S. Kuo, and Chen-Min Wang. Non-  been working on applying arti cial intelligence to dis-  9.  Lin CC,  Tsai  YS,  Lin  YS,  Chiu  TY, Hsiung CC, Lee MI,

 intrusive object introspection in C++. Software: Practice and   cover innovative cancer treatments and working on a new   Simpson JC and Hsu CN. “Boosting multiclass learning with
 Experience, 32(2):191-207, February 2002.                         repeating  codes and weak detectors for protein subcellular
           machine learning algorithm that can incrementally learn
 9.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang. Generic validation of structural content   from in nite many training examples.  localization”Bioinformatics, 23(24):3374-3381.2007.

 with parametric  modules. In 2001 International  Conference    10.  Yuan HY, Chiou JJ, Tseng WH, Liu CH, Liu CK, Lin YJ, Wang
 on Functional  Programming,  pages  98-101. Florence,  Italy,     HH, Yao A., Chen YT and Hsu CN.”FASTSNP: an always up-
 September 2001.                                                   to-date and extendable service for SNP function analysis and
                                                                   prioritization” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 34, Web Server
                                                                   Issue, pages W635 - W641, July 2006.
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