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Research Faculty  研究人員

 副研究員      副研究員
   陳昇瑋 Sheng-Wei (Kuan-Ta) Chen    陳伶志 Ling-Jyh Chen

 Associate Research Fellow  Associate Research Fellow
 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University  Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California at Los Angeles

 Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1712      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814  Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1702      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814
 Email:  Email:

   ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2011 - )    ● Best Paper Award, International Workshop on Security (IWSEC     ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2011 - )    ● M.S., Computer Science, University of California at Los Angeles
   ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2006 - 2011)  2008)    ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica (2005 – 2011)  (2002)
   ● Young Investigator Merit Award, National Science Council, Tai-    ● Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan     ● Ph.D., Computer Science, University of California at Los Angeles     ● B.Ed., Information and Computer Education, National Taiwan
 wan (2011 - 2014)  University (2002 - 2006)  (2005)              Normal University (1998)
   ● Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award, Taiwan (2010)    ● M.S., Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua Uni-
   ● K. T. Li Distinguished Young Scholar Award, ACM Taipei/Taiwan   versity (1998 - 2000)
 Chapter (2009)  Research Description                           Publications

 Research Description  Publications  My research interests lie in the area of computer network   1.  Rohit Kapoor, Ling-Jyh Chen, Li Lao, Mario Gerla, and M. Y.
           systems and applications. The primary objectives of my   Sanadidi. CapProbe: A Simple and Accurate Capacity Estima-
 My general research area is multimedia networking, with   1.  Chien-Ju Ho, Chen-Chi Wu, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Chin-Luang   research are 1) to understand the fundamental proper-  tion Technique. ACM SIGCOMM 2004, Portland, USA, 2004.
 an aim to improve users’ perceptions of service quality.   Lei, “DevilTyper: A Game for CAPTCHA Usability Evalua-  ties of mobile and wireless networks; and 2) to investigate   2.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Yung-Chih Chen, Tony Sun, Paruveli Sreede-
 Computer networks are now almost ubiquitous, and the   tion,” ACM Computers in Entertainment, volume 9, number   feasible solutions that facilitate more enjoyable network   vi, Kuan-Ta Chen, Chen-Hung Yu, and Hao-hua Chu. Find-
                                                                   ing Self-Similarities in Opportunistic People Networks. IEEE
 “anytime-anywhere” communication is becoming a reality   1, April 2011.  experience for end users.  Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom’07), An-
 for billions of people. However, many people still have to   2.  Chien-Ju Ho, Tao-Hsuan Chang, Jong-Chuan Lee, Jane Yung-  Speci cally, we research networked sensing systems in   chorage, Alaska, USA, 2007.

 struggle with various obstacles in using Internet services,   jen Hsu,  and Kuan-Ta Chen, “KissKissBan: A Competitive   hostile  environments.  We  perform  analytical  study  to   3.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Chen-Hung Yu, Cheng-Long Tseng, Hao-hua
 such as unexpected disconnections and spam mails. My   Human Computation  Game  for Image  Annotation,”  ACM   model network mobility and design fault-tolerant mech-  Chu, and Cheng-Fu Chou. A Content-Centric Framework for
 goal is to make Internet a seamless part of everyday life,   SIGKDD Explorations, June 2010.  anisms to facilitate reliable sensing data harvesting in   Effective  Data  Dissemination  in  Opportunistic  Networks.
 which is the reason that I dedicate to improving the qual-  3.  Kuan-Ta Chen, Chi-Jui Chang, Chen-Chi Wu, Yu-Chun Chang,   challenged environments. Moreover, we prototype our   IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, volume
                                                                   26, number 5, pp. 761-772, June, 2008.
 ity of Internet services and making the medium more us-  and Chin-Laung Lei, “Quadrant of Euphoria: A Crowdsourc-  research results and conduct real-world deployment. For
 er-friendly.   ing Platform for QoE Assessment,” IEEE Network, volume   4.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Bo-Chun Wang, M. Y. Sanadidi,
 24, number 2, March 2010.  instance, we have deployed the YushanNet system for hik-  and Mario Gerla. PBProbe: A Capacity Estimation Tool for
 One of my research directions is quality of experience   4.  Hsing-Kuo Pao, Kuan-Ta Chen, Hong-Chung Chang, “Game   er tracking, search, and rescuing in Yushan National Park,   High Speed Networks.  Computer Communications Journal,
 (QoE) management. I hope that network systems will   Bot Detection via Avatar Trajectory Analysis,” IEEE Transac-  and the system will soon become a regular service of the   Elsevier, volume 31, number 17, pp. 3883-3893, November,
 become smarter and more responsive to people’s needs.   tions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 2010.  national park.

 For example, if people  nd the network quality is unac-  5.  Kuan-Ta Chen, Yu-Chun Chang, Po-Han Tseng, Chun-Ying   In addition, we investigate emerging social computing   5.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Guang Yang, M. Y. Sanadidi, and
                                                                   Mario Gerla. AdHoc Probe: End to end Capacity Probing in
 ceptable when attending a video conference or playing an   Huang, and Chin-Laung  Lei,  “Measuring  The  Latency  of   systems with a focus on human computation. The ration-  Ad Hoc Networks. Wireless Networks, ACM/Springer, vol-
 online game, the systems will “perceive” this situation and   Cloud Gaming Systems,”  Proceedings of  ACM Multimedia   ale  behind human  computation  is to  outsource certain   ume 15, number 1, pp. 111-126, January, 2009.
 know how to adjust the parameters and re-balance the   2011, November 2011.  steps of computational processes to humans and solve   6.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Bo-Chun Wang, and Kuan-Ta Chen. The De-
 network resources to mitigate the problem. I am working   6.  Shao-Yu Wu, Ming-Hung Wang, and Kuan-Ta Chen, “Privacy   the problems that are intuitive to humans, but computer   sign of Puzzle Selection Strategies for GWAP Systems. Con-
 on the measurement and modeling of human perceptions   Crisis due to Crisis Response on the Web,” Proceedings of   technologies cannot solve completely by far. We develop   currency and Computation:  Practice  and Experience,  John
 with the hope to design such smart systems.  IEEE TrustCom 2011, November 2011.  a generic analysis framework to investigate intrinsic prop-  Wiley & Sons Ltd., volume 22, number 7, pp. 890-908, May,
 Meanwhile, I also work on improving the quality of on-  7.  Kuan-Ta Chen, Chen-Chi  Wu,  Yu-Chun Chang, and Chin-  erties of such systems, and conduct a set of system strate-  7.  Jyh-How Huang, Ying-Yu Chen, Yu-Te Huang, Po-Yen Lin,

 line games. When playing online games, users are often   Laung Lei, “Quantifying QoS Requirements of Network Ser-  gies to improve its system performance in terms of e -  Yi-Chao Chen, Yi-Fu Lin, Shih-Ching Yen, Polly Huang, and
 vices: A Cheat-Proof Framework,” Proceedings of ACM Mul-
 bugged by serious network lags; and they may have to tol-  timedia Systems 2011, February 2011.  ciency and quality. Moreover, we have implemented and   Ling-Jyh Chen. Rapid Prototyping for Wildlife and Ecological

 erate seeing the characters of cheaters wearing sparkling   veri ed the designed strategies in real-world systems; and   Monitoring. IEEE Systems Journal, volume 4, number 2, pp.
                                                                   198-209, June, 2010.

 armor  ghting mighty dragons while their own characters   8.  Shao-Yu Wu, Ruck Thawonmas, and Kuan-Ta Chen, “Video   we have released the source codes and game traces to the
 can only wear secondhand scale armor and defeat wild   Summarization  via Crowdsourcing,”  Proceedings  of ACM   research community.  8.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Bo-Chun Wang, and Wen-Yuan Zhu. The De-
 CHI (Works-in-Progress Program), 2011.
 rats. Moreover, some players may  nd that their charac-  My  ongoing  research  focuses  on  human-centric  mobile   sign of Puzzle Selection Strategies for ESP-like GWAP Sys-

                                                                   tems. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and

 ters’ valuable virtual goods have been ripped o  by mali-  9.  Ching-Hsiang  Hsu, Chun-Ying  Huang, and  Kuan-Ta  Chen,   sensing system and its applications. We intend to apply   AI in Games, volume 2, number 2, pp. 120-130, June, 2010.
 cious users when they log into a game. I am teaming up   “Fast-Flux Bot Detection in Real Time,” Proceedings of RAID   our research results to real-world networked sensing sys-  9.  Ling-Jyh Chen, Yu-Song Syu, Hung-Chia Chen, and Wang-
 2010, September 2010.
 with online game companies to work out the problems re-  tems, such as participatory sensing for urban pro ling,   Chien Lee. The Design and Evaluation of Task Assignment

 garding the performance, fairness, and security from the   10.  Yeng-Ting Lee and Kuan-Ta Chen, “Is Server Consolidation   mobile human computation, and context-aware perva-  Algorithms  for GWAP-based Geospatial  Tagging  Systems.

 aspect of game mechanisms and human behavior.  Beneficial to MMORPG? A Case Study of World of Warcraft,”   sive systems. Moreover, we wish to incorporate our re-  Accepted  for publication  in Mobile Networks and Applica-
 Proceedings of IEEE CLOUD 2010, July 2010.
                                                                   tions, ACM/Springer.
           search results with emerging social computing systems as   10.  Bo-Chun Wang, Chien-Wei Lin, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Ling-Jyh
           a whole to facilitate cyber-physical social network systems   Chen. An Analytical Model for Generalized ESP Games. Ac-
           in the future.                                          cepted for publication in Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier.
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