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                                                        莊庭瑞 Tyng-Ruey Chuang

                                               Associate Research Fellow
                                               Ph.D., Computer Science, New York University
                                               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1613      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  ● Associate Research Fellow, Insti-  Research Description
                 tute of Information Science (2001
                 -- ), Research Center for Informa-  My main research interest is in the area of programming languages and systems. In recent
                 tion Technology Innovation (2008
                 -- ), and Research Center for   years I have also worked with colleagues on geospatial information in particular when in
                 Humanities and Social Sciences   connection with the Web. I am concerned with societal implications of information tech-
                 (2014 -- ), Academia Sinica.  nologies and have been involved in several cross-disciplinary projects and committees.
                  ● Associate Professor, Department   We propose a parametric content model for XML DTDs (Document Type De nitions) and

                 of Information Management,    the automatic construction of XML document validators. The model provides a basis for
                 National Taiwan University (2008
                 -- 2014 ).                    typeful XML programming in ML (a type-safe programming language with high-order func-
                                               tions and parametric modules) and leads to modular XML transformations. We developed a
                  ● Fellow, Berkman Center for   structure-conforming XML document transformation method based on graph homomor-
                 Internet and Society, Harvard
                 University, USA (2011 -- 2012).  phism.
                  ● Assistant Research Fellow,   We look into research issues in the collaborative production of geospatial and spatiotem-
                 Institute of Information Science,   poral datasets. We transform ecological observations contributed by volunteers (in a Face-
                 Academia Sinica (1994 -- 2001).  book group!) into research datasets interlinked with structural vocabularies. We de ne and

                  ● Guest Researcher, Department   use several metrics to measure temporal properties of de ned areas in OpenStreetMap, and
                 of Computing Science, Chalmers   to sample modes of participation in these areas to better understand unevenness in user
                 University of Technology, Sweden   participation and data quality in volunteered geographic information.
                 (1993 -- 1993).
                                               I am involved in Creative Commons Taiwan (public lead since 2003), Open Source Software
                  ● Ph.D. in Computer Science, New
                 York University, USA (1993).  Foundry (co-PI since 2002), and the newly established Academia Sinica Digital Center. I
                                               served as the executive secretary and was a member of the CODATA Taiwan committee
                                               from 2007 to 2013.


              1.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Dong-Po Deng, Chun-Chen Hsu and Rob   5.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang and Max Schaefer. Status report: Layered
                 Lemmens. The one and many maps: Participatory and tem-  streaming XML processing with modules. In 2007 ACM SIG-
                 poral diversities in OpenStreetMap. In 2  ACM SIGSPATIAL   PLAN Workshop on ML, pp. 53-58. Freiburg, Germany, Oc-
                 International  Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered   tober 2007.
                 Geographic Information, pp. 79-86. Orlando, FL, USA, No-
                                                                  6.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang and Jan-Li Lin. On modular transforma-
                 vember 2013.
                                                                      tion of structural content. In 2004 ACM Symposium on Docu-
              2.  Dong-Po Deng, Guan-Shuo Mai, Cheng-Hsin Hsu,  Tyng-  ment Engineering, pp. 201-210. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA,
                 Ruey Chuang, Te-En Lin, Hsu-Hong Lin, Kwang-Tsao Shao,   October 2004.
                 Rob Lemmens and Menno-Jan Kraak. Using social media for

                 collaborative  species  identification  and  occurrence:  Issues,   7.  Min-Bin Chen, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, and Jan-Jan Wu. Efficient

                 methods,  and tools. In  1   ACM SIGSPATIAL International   parallel implementations of near Delaunay triangulation with
                 Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic In-  High  Performance  Fortran.  Concurrency  and  Computation:
                 formation, pp. 22-29. Redondo Beach, CA, USA, November   Practice and Experience, 16(12):1143-1159, October 2004.
                 2012.                                            8.  Rong-Guey Chang, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, and Jenq Kuen Lee.
                                                                      Support and optimization for parallel sparse programs with ar-
              3.  Tyng-Ruey  Chuang  and  Hui-Yin Wu. Structure-conforming   ray intrinsics of Fortran 90. Parallel Computing 304(4):527-
                 XML document transformation based on graph homomor-  550, April 2004.
                 phism. In 2012 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering,
                 pp. 99-102. Paris, France, September 2012.       9.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Y. S. Kuo, and Chen-Min Wang. Non-
                                                                      intrusive object introspection in C++. Software: Practice and
              4.  Chia-Hsin Huang, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Dong-Po Deng, and
                                                                      Experience, 32(2):191-207, February 2002.
                 Hahn-Ming Lee. Building GML-native Web-based geographic
                 information systems. Computers & Geosciences, 35(9):1802-  10.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang. Generic validation of structural content
                 1816, September 2009.                                with parametric modules. In 2001 International Conference
                                                                      on Functional Programming, pp. 98-101. Florence, Italy, Sep-
                                                                      tember 2001.

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