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Sheng-Wei Chen
   陳昇瑋                   陳郁方 Yu-Fang ChenChen
 副研究員          副研究員

               Associate Research Fellow
               Ph.D, Informational Management, National Taiwan University
               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1514      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  Research Description                                                      ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS,
                                                                                           Academia Sinica, 2009-
               My primary research interest is to develop automatic tools that can help system developers     ● Assistant Professor (Joint Ap-
               to ensure the quality of hardware and software designs or algorithms that can be used in   pointment), IM, National Taiwan
               these tools. In particular, I am interested in the model checking technique and its appli-  University, 2012-

               cation in software veri cation. Model checking is a fully automatic veri cation technique     ● The EATCS (European Association

               for state-transition systems. This technique has been used successfully to analyze the com-  for Theoretical Computer Sci-
               puter hardware and communication protocols and is getting more and more popular in   ence) award for best theoretical
               verifying computer software. A model checker performs an exhaustive search to determine   paper at ETAPS 2010
               if systems are correct with respect to given speci cations. In those cases where the speci -    ● B.S., BA, National Taiwan Univer-

               cation does not hold, the model checker produces a counterexample execution trace. This   sity
               feature is very useful for  nding obscure errors in complex systems.         ● M.B.A, IM, National Taiwan Uni-

               Most of the researches of model checking focus on two issues: more expressive models for

               describing advanced system features (e.g., di erent data types, the shape of heap cells) or     ● PhD. IM, National Taiwan Uni-
               heuristics to improve the performance of the model checking algorithms. I am interested in
               both directions and have been worked on several related projects.
               To name a few, our group developed di erent  x-point computation procedures based on

               algorithmic learning algorithms, which solve several very di cult veri cation tasks. As side products, we found several new algorithmic

               learning algorithms, including one for the full class of omega regular language. We are the  rst group introducing Boolean learning

               algorithm to this  eld and developed an incremental version that suits various applications in program veri cation.

               1.  Yu-Fang Chen  and  Bow-Yaw Wang,  “BULL:  a  Library  for   8.  Yu-Fang  Chen,  Edmund  M. Clarke, Azadeh  Farzan,  Ming-
                   Learning Algorithms of Boolean Functions,” TACAS 2013  Hsien Tsai, Yih-Kuen Tsay, and Bow-Yaw Wang, “Automated
                                                                       Assume-Guarantee  Reasoning  through Implicit  Learning,”
               2.  Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Yu-Fang Chen, Carl   CAV 2010
                   Leonardsson and Ahmed Rezine, “Memorax: Fence Inference
                   under the TSO Memory Model,” TACAS 2013          9.  P.A. Abdulla, Y.-F. Chen, L.o Clemente, L. Holik, C.-D. Hong,
                                                                       R. Mayr, and T. Vojnar, “Simulation Subsumption in Ramsey-
               3.  Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Yu-Fang Chen, Carl   based B uchi Automata Universality and Inclusion Testing,”
                   Leonardsson and Ahmed Rezine, “Automatic Fence Insertion   CAV 2010
                   in Integer Programs via Predicate Abstraction,” SAS 2012
                                                                    10.  P.A. Abdulla, Y.-F. Chen, L. Holik, R. Mayr and T. Vojnar,
               4.  Yu-Fang Chen and Bow-Yaw Wang, “Learning Boolean Func-
                                                                       “When Simulation Meets Antichain (on Language Inclusion
                   tions Incrementally,” CAV 2012
                                                                       Checking of NFA/TA) (Best Paper Award),” TACAS 2010
               5.  Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Yu-Fang Chen, Carl
                   Leonardsson and Ahmed Rezine, “Counter-Example Guided
                   Fence Insertion under TSO,” TACAS 2012
               6.  Parosh Abdulla, Yu-Fang Chen, Lorenzo Clemente, Lukas Ho-
                   lik, Chih-Duo Hong, Richard Mayr, Tomas Vojnar, “Advanced
                   Ramsey-based Buchi Automata Inclusion Testing,” CONCUR
               7.  Parosh  Abdulla  ,  Yu-Fang Chen, Giorgio Delzanno,  Fred-
                   eric  Haziza,  Chih-Duo Hong and  Ahmed Rezine.,  “Con-
                   strained Monotonic Abstraction: a CEGAR for Parameterized

                   Verification,”CONCUR 2010

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