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                                                      陳克健 Keh-Jiann Chen

                                               Research Fellow

                                               Ph.D., Computer Science, State University of New York at Bu alo
                                               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1510      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  ● Research Fellow, IIS, Academia   Research Description
                 Sinica (1989 - )
                  ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS, Ac-  My research interests include Chinese language processing, lexical semantics, lexical knowl-
                 ademia Sinica (1981/8 - 1989/7)  edge representation, and corpus linguistics. We had been and continued in developing the
                  ● Ph.D., Computer Science, State   research environments for Chinese natural language processing including CKIP Chinese
                 University of New York at Buffalo   lexical databases, Sinica corpus, Sinica Treebank, CKIP word segmentation and pos tagging
                 (1981)                        system, and Chinese parsers. The current major research topic is compositional semantics.
                  ● Editor, International Journal of   In order to achieve automatic semantic composition for Chinese language, we had devel-
                 Computer Processing of Lan-   oped a lexical semantic representation system E-HowNet which is a frame-based entity-
                 guages                        relation model to de ne lexical senses (concepts).

                  ● Editor, Language & Linguistics   The major features of E-HowNet are:
                  ● Editor-in-chief, The International   a. Word senses (concepts) are de ned by not only primitives but also any well-de ned

                 Journal of Computational Lin-
                 guistics and Chinese Language   concepts and conceptual relations.
                 Processing (1996 - 2004)
                                               b. Uniform sense representation for content words, function words and phrases.
                  ● 2nd term president, The Compu-
                 tational Linguistic and Chinese   c. Semantic relations are explicitly expressed.
                 Language Processing Society   d. Semantic composition and decomposition capabilities.
                 (ROCLING) (1991 - 1993)
                                               e. Near-canonical representations for lexical senses and phrasal senses.
                                               The above features serve for the purpose of semantic composition and natural language
              understanding. Currently we apply the E-HowNet semantic information on Chinese parsing and the derivation of semantic and syntactic
              properties of general compounds. We hope that the ultimate goal of natural language understanding will be accomplished after future
              improvement and evolution of the current E-HowNet and our knowledge-based parser.


              1.  Shu-Ling, Huang and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2013, “Semantic Anal-  6.  Chung,  You-shan and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2010, “Analysis of
                 ysis and Contextual Harmony of Durations”, Journal of Chi-  Chinese Morphemes and Its Application to Sense and Part-Of-
                 nese Linguistics vol. 41, #1, pp 118-144.            Speech Prediction for Chinese Compounds” Proceedings of
                                                                      ICCPOL conference 2010.
              2.  Bai, Ming-Hong, Keh-Jiann Chen, and Jason S. Chang, 2013,
                 ” Translating Chinese Unknown Words by Automatically Ac-  7.  Chen,Keh-Jiann and Shu-Ling Huang, 2009, “A Step toward
                 quired Templates”, Proceedings of IJCNLP 2013.       Compositional  Semantics: E-HowNet a Lexical  Semantic
                                                                      Representation System” Proceedings of the 23  Pacifi c Asia
              3.  Chung,  You-shan and  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2012, “Transitivity
                                                                      Conference on Language, Information and Computation, pp.
                 of a Chinese Verb-Result Compound and Affected Argument
                 of the Result Verb”, International Journal of Computational
                 Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, vol. 17, #2,   8.  Bai, Ming-Hong, Jia-Ming You, Keh-Jiann Chen, and Jason
                 pp1-20.                                              S. Chang, 2009, “Acquiring Translation Equivalences of Mul-
                                                                      tiword Expressions by Normalized Correlation Frequencies”
              4.  Hsieh, Yu-Ming, Ming-Hong Bai, Jason S. Chang, and Keh-  Proceedings of EMNLP 2009.
                 Jiann Chen, 2012, “Improving PCFG  Chinese Parsing with
                 Context-Dependent  Probability  Re-estimation”  In  Proceed-  9.  Chia-Hung Tai, Jia-zen Fan, Shu-Ling, Huang and Keh-Jiann
                 ings of CLP2012 the Second CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference   Chen, 2009, “Automatic Sense Derivation for Determinative-
                 on Chinese Language Processing, pages 216–221.       Measure Compounds under the Framework of E-HowNet,”
                                                                      International Journal of omputational Linguistics and Chi-
              5.  Chen,  Wei-Te,  Su-Chu Lin,  Shu-Ling  Huang,  You-Shan   nese Language Processing, vol. 14, #1, pp19-44.
                 Chung,  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2010,”  E-HowNet and Automatic
                 Construction of a Lexical Ontology” Proceedings of Coling   10.  Shu-Ling  Huang,  Shih  Yueh-Yin,  Keh-Jiann  Chen,  2008,
                 2010.                                                “The  Knowledge  Representation  for Comparison  Words in
                                                                      Extended-HowNet”, Language and Linguistics, Vol. 9, #2, P.

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