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Sheng-Wei Chen
                                                        陳昇瑋                  (aka Kuan-Ta Chen)

                                               Associate Research Fellow
                                               Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
                                               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1712      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS,   Research Description
                 Academia Sinica (2011 - )
                  ● Assistant Research Fellow, IIS,   My research areas span over multimedia systems and social computing.  Though the two

                 Academia Sinica (2006 - 2011)   elds look unrelated, they are now collectively part of modern life and have drastically
                  ● Ph.D., Department of Electrical   changed how we sense, interpret, and respond to other people in the society. For example,
                 Engineering, National Taiwan   social events such as demonstrations can now be watched and streamed from any perspec-
                 University (2002 - 2006)      tive over the Internet and the relevant opinions can be disseminated and aggregated with
                                               an unprecedented speed over social information systems.
                  ● M.S., Department of Computer
                 Science, National Tsing Hua Uni-  Multimedia Systems
                 versity (1998 - 2000)
                                               It has been more than 20 years since audio/video communication over the Internet has
                  ● IEEE ComSoc MMTC Best Journal   been made possible. Still, people  y to o ce branches and conferences to attend meetings

                 Paper Award (2014)

                                               whenever possible. We are developing a ordable immersive remote communication sys-
                  ● The Young Scholar’s Creativity   tems to provide better remote communication paradigm (imagining that a politician can
                 Award, Foundation for The     have eye contacts with millions of audience at the same time when giving a speech online).
                 Advancement of Outstanding    We envision ultimately such systems would help people across the globe understand each
                 Scholarship (2013)

                                               other better and create a world with less con icts, arguments, and wars.
                  ● Outstanding Young Investigator
                 Award, National Science Council,   Social Computing
                 Taiwan (2011 - 2014)
                                               The strongest incentive that drives me to get into the social computing  eld is the concern

                  ● Outstanding Young Electrical   of social welfare. My research agenda in the area is around poverty and happiness, as pov-
                 Engineer Award, The Chinese   erty is one of the biggest social problems in the world (and unfortunately becoming worse
                 Institute of Electrical Engineering   over time); meanwhile, people without the poverty concern may still be unhappy due to
                                               various psychological and social factors, such as anxiety, relative deprivation, alienation,
                                               emptiness, and so on. As we have learned from the history, the technology advancement
                                               and economic growth would not resolve the unbearable problem of humans --- how to live
              our lives happily?  Motivated by these concerns, I am working with sociologists and psychologists with a hope to address the social well-
              being problem from an interdisciplinary perspective.

              1.  Kuan-Ta Chen,  Yu-Chun Chang, Hwai-Jung Hsu, De-Yu   User Behaviors in Online Social Games,”  Proceedings of
                 Chen, Chun-Ying Huang, and Cheng-Hsin Hsu, “On the Qual-  ACM WWW 2013, May 2013.
                 ity of Service of Cloud Gaming Systems,” IEEE Transactions   6.  Chun-Ying Huang, Cheng-Hsin Hsu,  Yu-Chun Chang, and
                 on Multimedia, volume 16, number 2, pages 480--495, Febru-  Kuan-Ta Chen,  “GamingAnywhere: An Open Cloud  Gam-
                 ary 2014.
                                                                      ing System,” Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Systems 2013,
              2.  Chun-Ying Huang, Kuan-Ta Chen, De-Yu Chen, Hwai-Jung   February 2013.
                 Hsu,  and Cheng-Hsin Hsu,  “GamingAnywhere:  The First
                                                                  7.  Yu-Chun  Chang,  Chi-Jui  Chang,  Kuan-Ta  Chen,  and  Chin-
                 Open Source Cloud Gaming System,” ACM Transactions on
                 Multimedia  Computing,  Communications  and  Applications,   Laung Lei, “Radar Chart: Scanning for Satisfactory QoE in
                 volume 10, number 1s, pages 10:1--10:25, January 2014.  QoS Dimensions,” IEEE Network, volume 26, number 4, pag-
                                                                      es 25-31, July 2012.
              3.  Chen-Chi  Wu, Kuan-Ta Chen,  Yu-Chun Chang, and Chin-
                 Laung Lei, “Crowdsourcing Multimedia QoE Evaluation: A   8.  Bo-Chun Wang, Chien-Wei Lin, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Ling-Jyh
                 Trusted Framework,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol-  Chen, “An Analytical  Model for Generalized  ESP Games,”
                 ume 15, number 5, pages 1121-1137, July 2013.        Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, volume 34, pages 114-
                                                                      127, October 2012.
              4.  Wei-Ta Chu, Yu-Kuang Chen, and Kuan-Ta Chen, “Size Does   9.  Kuan-Ta Chen, Yu-Chun Chang, Po-Han Tseng, Chun-Ying
                 Matter:  How Image  Display  Size Affects Aesthetic  Percep-  Huang, and Chin-Laung  Lei,  “Measuring  The  Latency  of
                 tion?,” Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2013, October 2013.
                                                                      Cloud Gaming Systems,”  Proceedings of  ACM Multimedia
              5.  Jing-Kai Lou, Kunwoo Park, Meeyoung Cha, Juyong Park,   2011, November 2011.
                 Chin-Laung Lei, and Kuan-Ta Chen, “Gender Swapping and

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