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                       廖純中 Churn-Jung Liau

               Research Fellow
               Ph.D., CSIE , National Taiwan University
               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1713      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  Research Description                                                      ● Associate Research Fellow,
                                                                                           Institute of Information Science,
               My research interests include applied logic and reasoning about uncertainty. In particular, I   Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1997/3-
               am interested in the following subject areas:
                                                                                            ● Assistant Research Fellow,
               1.   applied logic                                                          Institute of Information Science,
                                                                                           Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1992/8-
                   •  epistemic/doxastic logic                                             1997/2)
                   •  deontic logic                                                         ● Ph.D., CSIE, National Taiwan Uni-
                                                                                           versity, Taiwan (1989/09-1992/06)
                   •  belief revision and fusion
                                                                                            ● M.S., CSIE, National Taiwan Uni-
                   •  logic in arti cial intelligence                                      versity, Taiwan (1985/09-1987/06)

                   •  logic in privacy and security                                         ● B.S., CSIE, National Taiwan Univer-
                                                                                           sity, Taiwan (1981/10-1985/06)
               2.   reasoning about uncertainty
                                                                                            ● Associate editor, International
                   •  modal logic                                                          Journal of Approximate Reason-
                                                                                           ing (Elsevier)
                   •  possibilistic logic
                                                                                            ● Member of the Editorial board of
                   •  rough set theory                                                     Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Elsevier)
                   •  many-valued logic                                                     ● Member of the Editorial board of
                                                                                           LNCS Transactions on Rough Sets


               1.  C. J. Liau and I. P. Lin, “Abstract minimality and circumscrip-  7.  C.J. Liau, A modal logic framework for multi-agent belief fu-
                   tion,” Artifi cial Intelligence, 54, 381-396, 1992.  sion, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 6(1), 124-
                                                                       174, 2005.
               2.  C. J. Liau and I. P. Lin, “Proof methods for reasoning about
                   possibility and necessity,” International Journal of Approxi-  8.  T.F. Fan, C.J. Liau, and T.Y. Lin, “A theoretical investigation
                   mate Reasoning, 9(4), 327-364, 1993.                of regular equivalences for fuzzy graphs,” International Jour-
                                                                       nal of Approximate Reasoning, 49, 678-688, 2008.
               3.  C. J. Liau and I. P. Lin, “Possibilistic reasoning--A mini-sur-
                   vey and uniform semantics,” Artifi cial Intelligence, 88(1-2),   9.  T.F. Fan, C.J. Liau, and D.R. Liu, “A relational perspective
                   163-193, 1996.                                      of attribute reduction in rough set-based data analysis,” Euro-
                                                                       pean Journal of Operational Research, 213, 270-278, 2011.
               4.  C.J. Liau, A logical analysis of the relationship between com-
                   mitment and obligation, Journal of Logic, Language, and In-  10.   T.-s. Hsu, C.J. Liau, and D.W. Wang, “A logical framework
                   formation, 10(2), 237-261, 2001.                    for privacy-preserving social network publication,” Journal of
                                                                       Applied Logic, 12(2), 151-174, 2014.
               5.  C.J. Liau, Belief, information acquisition, and trust in multi
                   agent systems - A modal logic formulation, Artifi cial Intelli-
                   gence, 149(1), 31-60, 2003.
               6.  C.J. Liau, “Belief fusion and revision: An overview based on
                   epistemic logic semantics,” Journal of Applied Non-Classical
                   Logics, 14(3), 247-274, 2004, (Special Issue on Uncertainty,
                   Incompleteness,  Imprecision  and  Conflict  in  Multiple  Data


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