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                         楊得年 De-Nian Yang

               Associate Research Fellow
               Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1728      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  Research Description                                                      ● Outstanding Youth Electrical
                                                                                           Engineer Award, Chinese Institute
                                                                                           of Electrical Engineering, Taiwan
               My research interests include mobile multimedia networks and social networks. For mo-  (2013)
               bile multimedia networking, the research topics include multicast routing, network cod-
               ing, resource planning, and cross-layer design with analysis. Research results have spanned     ● K. T. Li Distinguished Young
                                                                                           Scholar Award, ACM Taipei/Tai-
               various kinds of networks, such as heterogeneous wireless cellular networks, wireless mesh   wan Chapter, Taiwan (2012)
               networks, peer-to-peer networks, satellite networks, Internet backbone, and wavelength     ● Career Development Award, Aca-
               division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. Recently, we proposed an optimal 3D video   demia Sinica, Taiwan (2010–2014)
               multicast algorithm for LTE networks, a game-theoretical framework for multi-view 3D video
               delivery, and a multicast routing algorithm with network coding. We also designed and im-    ● Exploration Research Award, Pan
                                                                                           Wen Yuan Foundation, Taiwan
               plemented a new approximation algorithm for mobile routing and a new video streaming   (2010)

               framework for mobile handsets. For social networks, research topics include social in uence     ● Associate Research Fellow,
               analysis and maximization, social graph and group queries, and social graph acquisition   Institute of Information Science,
               and synthesis.  Recently, we explored social, temporal, spatial, and preference dimensions   Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2012/9–
               for people group search, and formulated the social temporal group query and social spatial   present)
               group query to  nd the optimal set of group in a social network. We developed people     ● Visiting Scholar, University of

               search for target-oriented in uence maximization and proposed the idea of active friend-  Southern California, Ming Hsieh

               ing in online social networks. We also proposed an e cient algorithm to anonymize large-  Department of Electrical Engi-
                                                                                           neering, United States (2010/9–
               scale social networks for friendship attacks. The research results have received IEEE ICME   2010/11)
               Best Student Paper Award, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Emerging Technologies Prize, and ACM CHI     ● Assistant Research Fellow,
               Best Paper Honorable Mention Award. The results have also been featured by MIT Technol-  Institute of Information Sci-
               ogy Review, ACM TechNews, New Scientist,, and          ence, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
                                                                                            ● Postdoctoral Fellow (Military
                                                                                           Services), Department of Electri-
                                                                                           cal Engineering, National Taiwan
                                                                                           University, Taiwan (2004/10–


               1.  H.-H. Shuai, D.-N. Yang, P. S. Yu, and M.-S. Chen, “Willing-  6.  D.-N. Yang, Y.-L. Chen, W.-C. Lee, and M.-S. Chen, “On So-
                   ness Optimization  for  Social  Group Activity,”  International   cial-Temporal Group Query with Acquaintance Constraint,”
                   Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2014.   International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB),

               2.  T.-Y. Ho, D.-N. Yang, and W. Liao, “Efficient Resource Al-
                   location of Mobile Multi-View 3D Videos with Depth Image-  7.  D.-N. Yang and M.-S. Chen, “Data Broadcast with Adaptive
                   Based Rendering,” IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, 2014.  Network Coding in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” IEEE
                                                                       Trans. on Mobile Computing, 2009.
               3.  D.-N. Yang, H.-J. Hung, W.-C. Lee, and W. Chen, “Maximiz-
                   ing Acceptance Probability for Active Friending in On-Line   8.  D.-N. Yang and M.-S. Chen, “Efficient Resource Allocation

                   Social Networks,”  ACM SIGKDD  International Conference   for Wireless Multicast,” IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing,
                   on Knowledge  Discovery and Data Mining (ACM KDD),   2008.
                                                                    9.  D.-N. Yang and  W. Liao, “Optimizing State Allocation for
               4.  C.-Y. Shen, D.-N.  Yang, and M.-S. Chen, “Collaborative   Multicast Communications,” IEEE Conference on Computer
                   and Distributed Search System with Mobile Devices,” IEEE   Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), 2004.
                   Trans. on Mobile Computing, 2012.
                                                                    10.  D.-N. Yang and W. Liao, “Design of Light-Tree Based Logical
               5.  D.-N.  Yang, C.-Y. Shen,  W.-C. Lee, and M.-S.  Chen, “On   Topologies for Multicast Streams in Wavelength Routed Opti-
                   Socio-Spatial  Group  Query for  Location-Based  Social  Net-  cal Networks,” IEEE Conference on Computer Communica-
                   works,” ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowl-  tions (IEEE INFOCOM), 2003.
                   edge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM KDD), 2012.

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