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                                                      楊柏因 Bo-Yin Yang

                                               Research Fellow
                                               Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, MIT
                                               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1731      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  ● B.S. Mathematics, National Tai-  Research Description
                 wan University (1987)

                  ● Ph.D. Mathematics, Massachu-  My research is mainly in applied cryptography and e cient implementations of cryptog-

                 setts Institute of Technology   raphy and cryptanalysis. Our team is internationally renowned, particularly in the  elds of
                 (1991)                        post-quantum cryptography and cryptographic implementation, especially on specialist
                  ● Associate Professor of Math-  platforms.
                 ematics, Tamkang University,
                 (1992-2006)                   In 2009, our team put Academia Sinica on the CHES (Cryptographic Hardware and Embed-
                                               ded Systems) map with “ECM on Graphics Cards” at Eurocrypt. The ECM (Elliptic Curve Meth-
                  ● Associate Research Fellow, IIS,   od) is critical in factoring RSA modulus using the Number Field Sieve. In 2010, we showed
                 Academia Sinica, (2006-2011)
                                               that GPUs (Graphic Processing Units) on graphic cards can run brute-force solutions so
                  ● Research Fellow,  IIS, Academia   quickly that Groebner basis methods cannot compete against them on random systems
                 Sinica, (2011-)

                                               over the  eld of 2 elements. In 2011, our team dominated the SVP Challenge Hall of Fame,
                                               using the Hadoop distributed computing framework as well as GPUs. The Short Vector (in a
                                               Lattice) Problem and Multivariate Quadratic Problem are important problems, both in and
              of themselves, and have many other implications.

              There is always a tradeo  of security against speed. E cient implementation of cryptography is therefore extremely important in that
              only fast enough applications will get used. One unfortunate di erence when programming for crypto applications is that compiling

              C usually yields suboptimal code, because cryptographers are not the intended clientele of vendors. Another unique aspect of cryp-
              tography is that, to conform to the security model, data  ow from secrets to observables must be avoided. As such, we cannot read

              with a secret index from a table, and cannot branch depending on secret data. Pragmatically, this also means no bugs. Correctness is as
              important as speed. We have contributed to the high-speed, high-security Curve25519 elliptic curve cryptosystem, which is being used
              by Apple and Google; our code was recently formally veri ed to be correct.


              1.  C. Bouillaguet, C.-M. Cheng, T. Chou, R. Niederhagen and   7.  C. Bouillaguet, H.-C. K. Chen, C.-M. Cheng, T. Chou, R. Nie-
                 B.-Y. Yang,   Fast Exhaustive Search for Quadratic Systems in   derhagen, A. Shamir, and B.-Y. Yang, Fast Exhaustive Search
                 F_2 on FPGAs, SAC 2013, LNCS 8282, pp. 205-222       for Polynomial Systems in F_2 , CHES 2010, LNCS 6225,
                                                                      pp. 203-218.
              2.  T. Chou, C.-M. Cheng, R. Niederhagen, and B.-Y. Yang, Solv-
                 ing   Quadratic Equations with XL on Parallel Architectures,   8.  Y.-H. Lin, A. Studer, Y.-H. Chen, H.-C. Hsiao, E. L.-H. Kuo,
                 CHES 2012,   LNCS 7428, pp. 356-373.                 J. Lee,   J. McCune, K.-H. Wang, M. Krohn, A. Perrig, B.-Y.
                                                                      Yang, H.-M. Sun,   and P.-L. Lin, SPATE: Small-group PKI-
              3.  D. J. Bernstein,  N. Duif,  T. Lange,  P. Schwabe,  and B.-Y.   less Authenticated Trust   Establishment, IEEE Trans on Mo-
                 Yang,   High-speed high-security signatures, Journal of Cryp-  bile Computing 9:12(2010), pp. 1666-1681. Invited as best
                 tographic   Engineering 2:2(2012), pp. 77-89. Invited paper   paper of MobiSys 2009.
                 from CHES 2011,  LNCS 6917, pp. 124-142.
                                                                  9.  D. J. Bernstein, T.-R. Chen, C.-M. Cheng, T. Lange, and B.-Y.
              4.  F.-H. Liu, Y.-J. Huang, and B.-Y. Yang, Public-Key Cryptog-  Yang, ECM on Graphics Cards, Eurocrypt 2009, LNCS 5479,
                 raphy from New Multivariate Quadratic Assumptions, PKC   pp. 483-501.
                 2012, and LNCS 7293,   pp. 190-205.
                                                                  10.  A. I.-T. Chen, M.-S. Chen, T.-R. Chen, C.-M. Cheng, J. Ding,
              5.  P.-C. Kuo, M. Schneider, ? Dagdelen, J. Reichelt, J. Buch-
                                                                      E. L.-H. Kuo, F. Y.-S. Lee, and B.-Y. Yang, SSE Implementa-
                 mann,   C.-M. Cheng, and B.-Y. Yang, Extreme Enumeration
                                                                      tion of Multivariate PKCs on Modern x86 CPUs, CHES 2009,
                 on GPU and in   Clouds, CHES 2011, LNCS 6917, pp. 176-
                                                                      pp. 33-48, LNCS 5747.

              6.  K.-M. Chung, F.-H. Liu, C.-J. Lu, and B.-Y. Yang, Efficient
                 String-Commitment from Weak Bit-Commitment, Asiacrypt
                 2010, LNCS   6477, pp. 268-282.

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