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                         劉進興 Jing-Sin Liu

               Associate Research Fellow
               Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1813      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  Research Description                                                      ● Ph.D Electrical Engineering, Na-
                                                                                           tional Taiwan University, 1990
               My research is mainly on two topics. One is mobile robot navigation, path planning and the     ● Assistant Research Fellow,
               proof-of-concept experiments. We develop intelligent autonomous navigation methodolo-  Institute of Information Science,
               gies for achieving missions such as, 3D mapping, surveillance (patrol, moving target follow-  Academia Sinica, 1990-1994
               ing/tracking and pursuit) using a mobile robot, and verify the navigation performance in     ● Adjunct Associate Professor, In-
               real world indoor environment as well as simulations. The other is problems related to the   stitute of Electrical Engineering,
               integration of wireless sensor network (WSN) and mobile robot. In particular, we are most   National Tsing Hua University,
               interested in using soft computing a variant of Traveling Salesman Problem with Neighbor-  1991-1994
               hood (TSPN) for path planning of data gathering using data mule in wsn or using uav for     ● Associate Research Fellow,
               mapping a region, following more complicated formulations that consider vehicle kinemat-  Institute of Information Science,
               ics (such as unicycle Dubins vehicle model with minimum turning radius constraint or angle   Academia Sinica, 1994-present
               of turns) and energy consumption (total fuel available). Thus, we will study Dubins’ Trave-    ● Member of International Editorial

               ling Salesman Problem with Neighborhood (Dubins TSPN), where the con guration of each   Board, ISRN Robotics, 2012-2014
               point of interest is described by ( x , y , θ  ) with ( x , y  ) the location and θ  the angle of arrival
               of point of interest. Both the location and angle of arrival of each visited node and the order
               of the visiting nodes a ect the amount of cost reduction, and need to be optimized.Mobile robot (anchor) assisted localization of WSN

               is another topic of interest. Graph rigidity is related to the localizability of WSN. We aim to develop a graph rigidity based soft computing
               approach for the path planning of mobile robot for node localization problem that could be extended to 3D problem.


               1.  Ju M. Y., Liu J. S., Shiang S. P., Chien Y. R., Hwang K. S.,   7.  Liu JS, Pan WH, Gu WY, Tsao YH, Chang YZ, “Simulation-
                   and Lee W. C., “Fast and accurate collision detection based on   based fast collision detection  for scaled  convex polyhedral
                   enclosed ellipsoid,” Robotica, vol.19,  pp.381-394,2001.  objects in motion by exploiting analytical contact equations,”
               2.  Lin WS, Tsai CH and Liu JS, “Robust neuro-fuzzy control of
                   multivariable systems by tuning consequent membership func-  8.  KL Wu, CW Lo, YC Lin and JS Liu, “3D path planning based
                   tions,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.124, pp.181-195, 2001.  on nonlinear  geodesic  equations,”  11  IEEE  International
                                                                       Conference  on Control  and  Automation, Taichung,  Taiwan,
               3.  Liang TC, Liu JS, Hung G.-T. and Chang Y.-Z., “Practical and   June, 2014.

                   flexible path planning for car-like mobile robot using maxi-
                   mal-curvature cubic spirals,” Robotics and Autonomous Sys-  9.  SY Wu and JS Liu, “Evolutionary Path Planning of a Data
                   tems, vol.52, no.4, pp.312-335, 2005.               Mule in Wireless Sensor Network by Using Shortcuts,” 2014
                                                                       IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Beijing, China,
               4.  Lai, H. C., Liu, J. S., Lee, D. T., & Wang, L. S. Design param-
                                                                       July 2014.
                   eters study on the stability and perception of riding comfort of
                   the electrical motorcycles under rider leaning. Mechatronics,   10.  CW Lo, KL Wu and JS Liu, “Wall following and human de-
                   vol.13, no.1, pp.49-76, 2003.                       tection for surveillance mobile robot on indoor environment,”
                                                                       2014 IEEE International  Conference  on Mechatronics and
               5.  Chou YS and Liu JS, “A Robotic Indoor 3D Mapping System   Automation, Tianjing, China, Aug. 2014.
                   Using a 2D Laser Range Finder Mounted on a Rotating Four-
                   bar Linkage of a Mobile Platform,” International Journal of
                   Advanced  Robotic Systems, vol.10, pp.1-10, January  2013.
                   (invited for special issue on SLAM).
               6.  KM Chiu, JS Liu  and S.R.  Yang , “Robot  Routing  Using
                   Clustering-Based Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Migration,”
                   Journal of Communications Engineering and Networks, vol.
                   2, no. 2, pp.71-83, 2014.

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