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                                                        葉彌妍 Mi-Yen Yeh

                                               Associate research fellow
                                               Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
                                               Tel: +886-2-2788-3799 ext. 1412      Fax: +886-2-2782-4814

                  ● Associate research fellow, IIS,   Research Description
                 Academia Sinica (2014-now)
                  ● Assistant research fellow, IIS,   My research interests cover the area of data mining and databases. I have been focusing
                 Academia Sinica (2009-2014)   on designing e ective and e cient data analysis methods on ordered data and social net-

                  ● Visiting Scholar, Simon Fraser   works. Ordered data are common in real-world applications. For example, time series such
                 University, Burnaby, BC Canada   as sensor readings, GPS trajectories, are data ordered in time; text and DNA sequences are
                 (May 2012 – July 2012)        character strings organized in some semantic or functional order. Given ordered data, I

                  ● Visiting Researcher, Microsoft Re-  have identi ed three important directions to focus on: error reduction for similarity search,

                 search Asia, Beijing, China (June   uniqueness sequence identi cation, and the moving behavior analysis from trajectories.
                 2011 – September 2011)        In addition, acknowledging the fast-growing scale of the modern social networks and the
                  ● Postdoctoral researcher, CITI,   challenges imposed in analyzing them, I have been focusing on designing sampling and
                 Academia Sinica (February 2009 -   summarization algorithms for heterogeneous social networks to preserve or extract their
                 September 2009)               key parameters, structure and semantic information.
                  ● Visiting Scientist, IBM T. J. Watson   I am also interested in issues about data management in  ash-based storage system. Flash

                 Research Center, Hawthorne,
                 NY, USA (September 2007 – July   memory has become a popular storage medium for mobile devices and even servers due

                 2008)                         to its rapid increasing capacity. Also, it is now more practical than ever to use  ash mem-
                                               ory storage systems to support data manipulation for various applications. Because of the

                                               unique characteristics of  ash memory such as non-volatility, out-place update, and limited
                                               erasing count per block, there is strong demand on  ash-friendly algorithm designs to re-

              solve reliability and performance concerns for data manipulation over  ash memory. Motivated by this, my team have been working on

              designing  ash-friendly algorithms for the three important data operations, including the designs of database indexing, logging and

              recovery, and caching over  ash memory.

              1.  Yi-Chen Lo, Jhao-Yin Li, Mi-Yen  Yeh, Shou-De Lin, Jian   6.  Jian Pei, Wush Chi-Hsuan Wu, and Mi-Yen Yeh, “On Shortest
                 Pei,  “What  Distinguish  One  from  Its  Peers in  Social  Net-  Unique Substring Queries,” Proc. of the 29  IEEE Interna-
                 works,” Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, special issue   tional Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE-2013), April
                 of ECML/PKDD 2013 journal track, Volume 27, Issue 3, pp.   8-12, 2013.
                 396-420, Springer, July, 2013.
                                                                  7.  Hua-Wei Fang, Mi-Yen Yeh, and Tei-Wei Kuo, “MLC-Flash-
              2.  Pei-Lun Suei, Mi-Yen Yeh, Tei-Wei Kuo, “Endurance-Aware   Friendly Logging and Recovery for Databases,” Proc. of the
                 Flash-Cache Management for Storage Servers,” IEEE Trans.   28   ACM  Symposium on  Applied  Computing  (SAC-2013),
                 on Computers, preprint, 2013.                        March 18-22, 2013. (Best paper award)

              3.  Huey-Ru Wu, Mi-Yen Yeh, and Ming-Syan Chen, “Profiling   8.  Wush Chi-Hsuan Wu, Mi-Yen Yeh, and Jian Pei, “Random
                 Moving Objects by Dividing and Clustering Trajectories Spa-  Error Reduction in Similarity Search on Time Series: A Sta-
                 tiotemporally,” IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engi-  tistical Approach,” Proceedings of the 28  IEEE International
                 neering, Vol. 25 , Issue 11, pp.2615 – 2628, Nov. 2013.  Conference  on Data Engineering  (ICDE-2012), April  1-5,
              4.  Jui-Pin Wang, Yu-Chen Lu, Mi-Yen Yeh, Shou-De Lin, and

                 Phillip Gibbons, “Communication-Efficient Distributed Mul-  9.  Mi-Yen Yeh, Kung-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, and Ming-Syan
                 tiple Reference Pattern Matching for M2M Systems,” Proc.   Chen, “LEEWAVE: Level-Wise Distribution of  Wavelet

                 of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining   Coefficients  for  Processing  kNN  Queries  over  Distributed
                 (ICDM-2013), December 2013.                          Streams,”  Proceedings  of the 34  International  Conference
                                                                      on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB-2008), August 24-30, 2008.

              5.  Chia-Chen Yen, Mi-Yen Yeh, and Ming-Syan Chen, “An Effi-
                 cient Approach to Updating Closeness Centrality and Average   10.  Mi-Yen Yeh,  Bi-Ru  Dai,  and  Ming-Syan  Chen,  “Clustering
                 Path Length in Dynamic Networks,” Proc. of the 2013 IEEE   over Multiple Evolving Streams by Events and Correlations,”
                 International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2013), De-  IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.
                 cember 2013.                                         19, No. 10, pp. 1349-1362, October 2007.

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