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How to Do High Quality Research and Run Large Research Group: Sharing of My Experience

  • LecturerProf. C.-C. Jay Kuo (University of Southern California)
    Host: Dr. Mark Liao
  • Time2011-08-08 (Mon.) 10:30 ~ 12:00
  • LocationAuditorium 106 at new IIS Building

I have often encountered questions such as “How to do high quality research?” “How do you run such a large research group at USC?” It is actually not easy to give simple answers to these questions. High quality research depends on several important factors: motivation, ambition, problem selection, research environment, guidance and feedback, writing and presentation. Furthermore, most researchers and PhD students pay little attention to the management issue such as time, objective, resources and teamwork management. If a PhD student can be more sensitive to his/her resource management, it is likely that he/she will graduate in a timely manner. The management skills become even more important, when a student starts to work after graduation. I received very little training in management myself in the PhD program. However, during my career path, I have gradually learned management skills to meet several challenges. I feel that this knowledge will be very beneficial to PhD students, if they are sensitive to the need in an early stage. In this talk, I will share my own research experience at MIT and USC and my experience of running a large research group at USC. Quite a few principles should be beneficial to students as well as faculty members.


Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo received the Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1987. He is now with the University of Southern California (USC) as Director of Signal and Image Processing Institute and Professor of EE, CS and Mathematics. His research interests are in the areas of digital media processing, multimedia compression, communication and networking technologies, and embedded multimedia system design. Dr. Kuo is a Fellow of IEEE and SPIE. Dr. Kuo has guided about 108 students to their Ph.D. degrees and supervised 23 postdoctoral research fellows. Currently, his research group at USC consists of around 30Ph.D. students (see website http://viola.usc.edu), which is one of the largest academic research groups in multimedia technologies. He is a co-author of about 200 journal papers, 800 conference papers and 10books. Dr. Kuo is Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, and has served as Editor for 10 other journals. Dr. Kuo received the National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award (NYI) and Presidential Faculty Fellow (PFF) Award in 1992 and 1993, respectively. He received the best paper awardsfrom the multimedia communication Technical Committee of the IEEE Communication Society in 2005,from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Fall Conference (VTC-Fall) in 2006,and from IEEE Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP) in 2006. Hewas an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer in 2006, a recipient of the Okawa Foundation Research Award in 2007, the recipient ofthe Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award in 2010, the holder of the 2010-2011 Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies, and a recipient of the Pan Wen-Yuan Outstanding Research Award in 2011.