Joint Research Fellow
Chang, Ronald Y.
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Chen, Chu-Song
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Deep Learning; Pattern Recognition; Computer Vision; Image Processing; Multimedia
Chen, Ming-Syan
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Data Mining; Query Processing; Databases; Multimedia Networking; Mobile Computing
Cheng, Hsiang-Yun
Joint Faculty(Associate Research Fellow)
Chung, Pau-Choo
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Joint Faculty(Distinguished Research Fellow)
Hsiang, Jieh
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Digital Libraries and Museums; Artificial Intelligence: software agents, strategy analysis; Programming Languages: logic programming, logics of programming; Foundation of Computer Science: term rewriting systems, automated deduction
Hsieh, Sun-Yuan
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Fault-tolerant computing; Bioinformatics; Parallel and distributed computing; Design and analysis of algorithms; Graph theory; Artificial Intelligence; Deep learning algorithms; Intelligent Medicine
Hsiu, Pi-Cheng
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Lee, Lin-Shan
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Computer and Communication
Wang, Chih-Yu
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Wang, Chuan-Ju
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Wu, Chung-Hsien
Joint Appointment Research Fellow/Professor
Adjunct Research Fellow
Chen, Keh-Jiann
Adjunct Research Fellow/Professor
Chinese Language Processing; Lexical Semantics; Lexical Knowledge Representation
Hsu, Wen-Lian
Adjunct Research Fellow/Professor
Analysis of algorithms, graph theory.; Search methods in artificial intelligence.; Bioinformatics, computational biology.; Computational linguistics.; Natural language understanding.; Intelligent agent systems
Ko, Ming-Tat
Adjunct Research Fellow/Professor
Graph Algorithms; Computational Geometry; Algorithms; Bioinformatics
Su, Keh-Yih
Adjunct Research Fellow/Professor
Text Understanding and Inference; Machine Reading (Intelligent Q&A); Cross-Document Knowledge Discovery; Multi-Document Analysis/Processing; Deep Learning for NLP; Natural Language Understanding; Automatic Knowledge Acquisition; Artificial Intelligence; Statistical Language Modeling ; Machine Learning
Sung, Ting-Yi
Adjunct Research Fellow/Professor
Desing and analysis of algorithms; Bioinformatics; Computational biology; Machine learning; Artificial intelligence
Corresponding Research Fellow
Liu, Chao-Ning
Corresponding Research Fellow/Professor
pattern recognition; image processing; data visualization and virtual reality
Yew, Pen-Chung
Corresponding Research Fellow/Professor
Computer Architecture; Compiler; Parallel Machine Organization; Dynamic Binary Manipulation; Performance Evaluation and Simulation