Distinguished Research Fellow/Professor & Director
Content-based Multimedia Retrieval; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Multimedia Information Processing
Research Fellow/Professor & Deputy Director
Distinguished Research Fellow/Professor & Deputy Director
Cryptography, Complexity Theory, Quantum Cryptography
Assistant Research Fellow/Professor
Category Theory; Mathematical Logic; Programming Language; Theoretical Computer Science
Research Fellow/Professor
Networked Sensing Systems; Internet of Things; Big Data Analytics
Research Fellow/Professor
Software Verification; Model Checking; Automata Theory; Algorithmic Learning; Formal Methods
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Functional Programming; Programming Languages and Systems; XML and Web Technologies; Open Geospatial Information Processing; Social Implications of Information Technologies
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Optimizing Compiler; Dynamic Binary Translation; Virtualization; Parallel Architecture and Parallel Computing
Research Fellow/Professor
Design, Analysis, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Computer Algorithms; Graph Theory and Its Applications; Data-Intensive Computing; Data Privacy; Theory of Classical Computer Games
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Natural Language Processing; Computational Linguistics; Information Retrieval
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Dependently typed programming; Datatype-generic programming; (Applied) type theory; Bidirectional programming; Program derivation; Functional programming
Research Fellow/Professor
Natural Language Processing; Computational Linguistics; Sentiment (Opinion and Emotion) Analysis; Information Extraction and Retrieval; Chinese Language Processing; Topic Detection and Tracking; Artificial Intelligence; Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Research Fellow/Professor
Applied Logic; Logic in Artificial Intelligence; Reasoning about Uncertainty
Research Fellow/Professor
Systems Network Biology, Proteomics, Precision medicine, high throughput biology, AI model/ LLMs for medical Applications
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Multimedia Content Understanding; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Affective Computing; Virtual Humans
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Robotics; Nonlinear Control; Intelligent Control
Research Fellow/Professor
Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Medical Imaging
Research Fellow/Professor
Machine Learning; Computational Complexity; Algorithms; Game Theory
Research Fellow/Professor
Compressive Sensing & Inverse Problems; Image/Signal Processing; Security and Privacy in Multimedia and Machine Learning; Machine Learning
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Natural Language Processing; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Natural Language Understanding; Question Answering; Chatbot
Research Fellow/Professor
Program Inversion; Program Derivation; Functional Programming; Programming Language; Type Theory and Logic
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Cryptographic Engineering; Post-Quantum Cryptography; Embedded Security
Research Fellow/Professor
Next-Generation Sequencing; microRNA Regulation; Molecular Evolution; Short Read Sequence Assembly
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Music Information Retrieval, Multimedia Content Generation, Audio and Bio-signal Processing, Computational Musicology
Research Fellow/Professor
Evolutionary algorithm; Bioinformatics; Regulatory mechanism; Metagenomics; Computational biology; Machine learning
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Graph Theory; Streaming Algorithms; Lower Bound Techniques
Assistant Research Fellow/Professor
Deep Reinforcement Learning; Computer Games; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence
Research Fellow/Professor
Model Checking; Formal Method
Assistant Research Fellow/Professor
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Cloud Computing; Parallel and Distributed Computing ; Services Computing; Human Centered Computing; Dynamic Binary Translation
Research Fellow/Professor
Privacy Enhancing Technology; Graph Theory and Algorithm; Medical Informatics
Research Fellow/Professor
Spoken Language Processing; Natural Language Processing; Multimedia Information Retrieval; Machine Learning
Research Fellow/Professor
Cluster and Cloud Computing; Resource Allocation and Task Scheduling in Parallel and Distributed Systems; Dynamic Binary Translation and Virtualization on Multi-cores; Energy-efficient Virtualization on Heterogeneous and Asymmetric Multi-cores; Parallel and Distributed Processing for Big Data
Distinguished Research Fellow/Professor
Applied Cryptography; Combinatorics and Analysis of Algorithms
Research Fellow/Professor
Multimedia Social Networks and Graphs; Database, Data Mining and Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications; Network Analysis and Distributed Optimization/Learning
Research Fellow/Professor
Data Mining; Databases; Time Series Analysis; Social Network Analysis; Machine Learning; AI Applications