
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

Computer Center


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Computer Center is located at room 308 in the New IIS Building. Its mission include
  1. Administrative system related analysis, design and development.
  2. The installation and maintenance of the institute’s servers.
  3. The installation and maintenance of all the internet and phone lines.
  4. The design and maintenance for the conference rooms’ equipments.
  5. Purchase and technical support of computers for faculties and staffs.
  6. Supply all kinds of computer parts and equipments for faculties and staffs.
  7. The construction and maintenance of the machine room for IIS and CITI.
  8. The construction and maintenance for the Uninterruptible Power Supply.
  9. The design and maintenance for the attendance system, entrance system and monitor system.

The network device of our institute is located in room 301 of the New IIS Building. It is equipped with a firewall, virtual private network server, file server, domain name server, DHCP server, mail server, web server, server for both administrative system and research system, CA server, server for attendance system, server for the monitor and real-time conference recording system. Every floor is equipped with network printer. Scanner and other facilities are available for all staff members outside room 301. On the second floor of the New IIS Building is the newly built machine room.

In order to assist our research fellow with their research, we aim to computerize all our administrative and research process and bridge the gap between administrator, assistant and research fellow.
Our serves include:

June 2012