
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

Computer Center


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Account System of IIS


To use e-mail and VPN (virtual private networking) services in our institute, you have to have an account. All employees, except part-time and intern whose account has to be granted by their PI, can own an account. One month after leaving your job, your account will be invalid. If you want to extend the use of your account after leaving your job, please fill in a form online 【Application for Extending Account Use】.

If a person not working here would like to apply an account, he/she has to fill in a form online 【Non-employee Account application】 and wait for PI's granting.

For security reason, we recommend changing your password regularly. Your password has to be at least 8 characters long and contain numbers, symbols, upper and lower case letters (highly recommended). To change your password, please click this 【Change Password】.

In case of forgetting your password, you can click 【Forgot Password】 to reset your password. Please note that you have to provide the alternative e-mail address you filled in while arriving at your post, because the notification email will be sent to that email address.