
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica



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[Open House]3D Human Pose and Shape Generation In-between Keyframes (Registration required)

  • LecturerDr. Jen-Chun Lin (The Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica)
    Host: Mark Liao
  • Time2023-10-21 (Sat.) 10:00 ~ 10:25
  • LocationAuditorium 106 at IIS new Building
A convincing performance for computer-generated (CG) characters is essential in the game and animation industries. The process of keyframing, a primary method for creating animation, remains time-consuming and challenging, despite advancements in tools and techniques. Animators still need to adhere to detailed pose specifications to achieve naturalness in drawing body motion in-between keyframes. While advanced motion capture (MOCAP) systems can be more effective than keyframing techniques for creating CG characters with numerous degrees of freedom, they still require specialized equipment and manual post-processing, making animation costly. Therefore, designing a data-driven approach that utilizes existing 3D/2D data to automatically generate 3D human motion that is kinematically compliant in-between keyframes is desirable for creating CG character animations.