
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所






TIGP -- Proteomics and Systems Analysis – revealing the components, status, and fluctuations of biomodules under normal or stressed conditions

  • 講者吳韋訥 教授 (陽明大學醫技所)
    邀請人:TIGP Bioinformatics Program
  • 時間2013-01-09 (Wed.) 14:00 ~ 15:00
  • 地點資訊所新館106演講廳

LC-MS/MS, a method of choice for high-throughput qualitative and quantitative proteomic analysis, has been applied in post-genomic studies of two halophilic archaeal model organisms, H. salinarum andHaloarcula marismotui, that we have sequenced. Using simple label-free approach, we identified several new structural proteins of gas vesicles (an intracellular organelle for adjusting the buoyancy of the cell), distinguished a number of membrane and soluble proteins, and characterized the systems fluctuations under metabolic stress or heat shock conditions. By considering reaction connectivity and proteins with major and minor expression differences, systems level changes were revealed with increased confidence. Thus even proteomic analysis has relatively limited protein coverage as well as apparently limited quantitative reliability, interesting biological aspects could still be revealed with pertinent data analysis strategy.