
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所






互動式寫作環境──由學術關鍵詞表與模式文法到 WriteAway

  • 講者張俊盛 教授 (國立清華大學資訊系)
  • 時間2015-03-27 (Fri.) 14:30 ~ 16:30
  • 地點資訊所新館106演講廳

We are developing a sequel to WriteAhead, code name WriteAway.

Go to http://writeaway.nlpweb.org and paste "This paper presents a new method for learning to find ..." in the text box, and you will receive suggestion to continue your writing (or move mouse on any typed word to get suggestions for editing). You can even go back and select "method" to check whether "method for doing something" is common pattern (kind of like Pattern Grammar) for the word "method."

In general, while you are typing away, WriteAway gives you suggestion every step of the way. Go back to mouse over a word, and you get suggestions for editing. It is like writing and dictionary lookup at the same time. 

WriteAway does two things really well. First, it examines the unfinished sentence you just typed in and then automatically gives you tips in the form of grammar patterns (accompanied with examples similar to those found in a good dictionary ) for continuing/editing your sentence. Second, WriteAway automatically ranks suggestions relevant to that sentence, so you spend less time looking at tips, and focus more on writing your piece. The suggestions are context-sensitive, for example, "a report" and "we report" will trigger different suggestions.

WriteAway organizes, summarizes, and ranks suggestions, so the user can, at a glance, grasp complex grammatical, collocational, lexical information and make quick writing decision. WriteAway turns writing into a continuous learning process by combining problem solving and information seeking together to create a unique user experience. WriteAway can even help people beat writers' block. WriteAway can be accessed at http://writeaway.nlplab.org. Give it a try.