
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所






TIGP (SNHCC) -- Recreational Computer Graphics: Applications in Life, Art, and Entertainment

  • 講者朱宏國 教授 (國立清華大學)
    邀請人:TIGP SNHCC Program
  • 時間2015-10-21 (Wed.) 14:30 ~ 16:30
  • 地點資訊所新館106演講廳

The advanced computer graphics techniques enable the possibility of digitizing the world around us. This motivates a line of research work to design automatic algorithms for generating various types of digital contents (e.g., 2D image, 3D model, etc), which are amusing and entertaining, but usually demand professional skill and is time consuming to create manually. In this talk, I will introduce three innovative research projects that focus on creating three particular digital contents related to applications in our daily life, artwork and entertainment. Specifically, the first topic shows you how to embed arbitrary images into ordinary QR codes to generate so-called halftone QR codes with high visual quality and without compromising the machine readability. In the second topic,  a particular art form, namely circular scribble art, is synthesized via an automatic system concerning the preservation of tone and feature of input gray scale image to resemble artistic skills. Lastly, a computational framework is proposed to construct LEGO brick sculptures from pixel art images, where the visual quality as well as the structural stability of built sculptures are handled delicately. The efficiency and efficacy of above systems will be demonstrated on site.