
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所






Capacity Approaching Coding for Low Noise Interactive Quantum Communication

  • 講者姚鵬暉 教授 (中國南京大學計算機科學與技術系)
  • 時間2019-04-16 (Tue.) 14:00 ~ 16:00
  • 地點資訊所新館106演講廳

We consider the problem of implementing two-party interactive quantum communication over noisy channels, a necessary endeavor if we wish to fully reap quantum advantages for

communication. In this talk, I will present a polynomial-time efficient simulation of an arbitrary interactive protocol over a noiseless qudit channel by a noisy channel. The simulation is capacity achieving to leading order. Furthermore, the simulation is in a model that does not require pre-shared resources such as randomness or entanglement between the communicating parties. Surprisingly, this outperforms the best known overhead in the corresponding classical model, which is also conjectured to be optimal [Haeupler, FOCS’14]. Our work also improves over the best previously known quantum

result where the overhead is a non-explicit large constant [Brassard et al., FOCS’14] . The talk will also cover some recent progress on the simulation by a quantum insertion-deletion channel if time permitted.