
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica



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Announcement for the Director Search Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan


         Academia Sinica, Taiwan, invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Institute of Information Science (IIS). The initial appointment is for a period of three years (renewable for a second term).
Academia Sinica is the pre-eminent academic institution in Taiwan. It is devoted to basic and applied research in mathematical and physical sciences, life sciences, and humanities and social sciences. The Academy has been positioning itself to be a world-class research institution.
        IIS was formally established in September 1982 after a five-year preparation period. The Institute presently has 35 research fellows, 22 postdoctoral research fellows and over 300 research specialists and assistants supporting research and development activities in areas related to information science and engineering. For further details about Academia Sinica and IIS, please consult the websites: http://www.sinica.edu.tw and http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw.
        Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree, a distinguished record of academic scholarship, and diverse experience in research and professional service. He/she is expected to pursue a vigorous research program in some of the present intellectual thrusts of the Institute or areas of new opportunities. Resources will be available to support his/her research program. The successful candidate will be expected to build on the existing strengths of the Institute, development new research thrusts, recruit outstanding faculty, as well as promote and provide intellectual leadership in information technology and science for Taiwan. We are seeking a researcher with strong leadership qualities and scientific vision, outstanding communication, administrative and managerial skills, demonstrated ability in managing multidisciplinary research programs, and experience in motivating young scientists towards pursuing of excellence in scientific research.
        Academia Sinica encourages both applications and nominations, which should include a full curriculum vitae, together with a publication list, to be submitted to Dr. Chao-Han Liu, Vice President, Academia Sinica, 128 Academia Road Section 2, Nankang, Taipei, 115, Taiwan. The searching committee is chair by Dr. Chung Laung Liu who can be reached via email address: liucl@mx.nthu.edu.tw. Screening of applications/nominations will begin immediately, and will continue until the position is filled.

        中央研究院誠摯邀請各界申請或推薦本院資訊科學研究所所長之職位,任期三年(得續聘一任)。 中央研究院為台灣最高之學術機關,致力於數理科學、生命科學,以及人文與社會科學之基礎與應用研究,並以將研究活動提升至國際一流為職志。