
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica



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Computer Vision Crash Course

  • LecturerMr. Jia-Bin Huang (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
    Host: Sheng-Wei Chen
  • Time2016-01-12 (Tue.) 09:00 ~ 12:20
  • LocationInternational Conference Hall, Public Affairs Committee of H.S.S. Building

Computer Vision is a field that includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding images. It has numerous applications, such as object detection, object recognition, video tracking, multimedia analysis, special effects of movies, and so on.

The main purpose of this lecture is to give an overview of basic concepts and core technologies. Audiences will quickly understand that how can the computer vision be applied in our daily life via many practical examples.


Website: http://datasci.tw/event/computer_vision_123/


Jia-Bin Huang received the B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. He is currently working toward the PhD degree in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His research interests include computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning with focus on visual analysis and synthesis using physically grounded constraints. His research received the best student paper award in IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in 2012 for the work on computational modeling of visual saliency and the best paper award in the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications in 2014 for work on learning-based eye tracking. Huang is the recipient of the UIUC Graduate College Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Thomas and Margaret Huang Award for Graduate Research, Beckman CS/AI Award, Sundaram Seshu Fellowship, and the MOE Technologies Incubation Scholarship. He is a student member of the IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and ACM SIGGRAPH.