
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica



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TIGP (SNHCC) –Efficient Page-Level Data Extraction Via Schema Induction & Verification

  • LecturerProf. Chia-Hui Chang (Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University)
    Host: TIGP SNHCC Program
  • Time2016-05-04 (Wed.) 14:00 ~ 14:00
  • LocationAuditorium 106 at IIS new Building

Page-level data extraction provides a complete solution for all kinds of information requirement, however very few researches focus on this task because of the difficulties and complexities in the problem. On the other hands, previous page-level systems focus on how to achieve unsupervised data extraction and pay less attention on schema/wrapper generation and verification. In this paper, we emphasize the importance of schema verification for large-scale extraction tasks. Given a large amount of web pages for data extraction, the system uses part of the input pages for training the schema without supervision, and then extracts data from the rest of the input pages through schema verification. To speed up the processing, we utilize leaf nodes of the DOM trees as the processing units and dynamically adjust the encoding for better alignment. The proposed system works better than other page-level extraction systems in terms of schema correctness and extraction efficiency. Overall, the extraction efficiency is 2.7 times faster than state-of-the-art unsupervised approaches that extract data page by page without schema verification.