
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica



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Advancing New Frontiers of Autonomous Internet-of-Things (A-IoT) by Magnetic Sensors

  • LecturerProf. Philip Pong (The University of Hong Kong)
    Host: Ling-Jyh Chen
  • Time2017-11-06 (Mon.) 10:30 ~ 12:30
  • LocationAuditorium 106 at IIS new Building

Internet-of-Things (IoT) will provide the framework for establishing a smarter and more connected future for people. The exploratory IoT technologies will enable scientists and engineers to build a better place for everyone to work, live and enjoy life. Charting out the evolution of IoT is the development of autonomous IoT (A-IoT) whereby data and decision will both be actively managed by the devices. A-IoT will carry out autonomous decision-making. Human factor will be taken out of the equation, driving value and cost efficiencies and possibly enhancing safety. Some examples of future A-IoT applications include autonomous vehicles that self-navigate to the destinations, smart switches that automatically open or close to implement self-resilience in power grids, and smart meters that form part of the home energy management systems and shift the energy usage to an optimal time for renewable energy generation. These new autonomous applications will open up new frontiers in many aspects of smart living, and their decision-making processes rely primarily on perception with sensors. 


Sensors are often the first thing people think of when talking about A-IoT. They carry out the critical work of monitoring processes, taking measurements and collecting data, functioning as the important enablers of AIoT. A sensor is a device providing a usable output in response to a specific measurand. Sensor fusion adopting a combination of different sensors measuring various measurands is needed to monitor the state of the device and the ambient surrounding. Magnetic field, flux and permeability are one of the major categories of measurands. In this talk, we will talk about how magnetic sensors will advance the new frontiers of A-IoT and the associated challenges.


Philip W. T. Pong is a chartered physicist, a chartered electrical engineer, and a chartered energy engineer. He is a registered professional engineer in electrical, electronics, and energy. He is working on spintronic magnetic field sensors, smart grid, and nano-bio at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He received a PhD in engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2005. After working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Magnetic Materials Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States for three years, he joined the HKU Faculty of Engineering where he is now an associate professor working on development and applications of spintronic sensors and magnetic nanoparticle technologies in smart grid and smart living. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and also a Fellow of the NANOSMAT Society. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Corporate Member of HKIE in Electrical, Electronics, and Energy Divisions. He serves on the editorial board for two SCI journals and on the editorial review board of the IEEE Magnetics Letters. He published over 200 technical papers with over 100 SCI journal papers and over 1000 citations.