
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica



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Approximate recoverability of quantum states and noisy quantum secret sharing schemes

  • LecturerMr. Yingkai Ouyang (National University of Singapore, Centre of Quantum Technologies)
    Host: Kai-Min Chung
  • Time2022-12-14 (Wed.) 10:45 ~ 12:45
  • LocationAuditorium 106 at IIS new Building
We consider the theory of approximate quantum secret sharing in a formal cryptographic setting. A dealer encodes a quantum secret and distributes it amongst multiple players such that authorized sets of players can approximately recover the secret.

Adversaries control all of the universe, except for authorized sets of players, and establish effective channels between the quantum secret and themselves. We relate the approximate recoverability of the secret to $C$, where $C$ is the maximum entanglement-assisted capacities of these channels. This thereby establishes a fundamental duality between information received by complementary parties, and has applications beyond quantum cryptography.