
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica



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TIGP (SNHCC) -- Explain the ineffable to humans: What do we do with the black box of AI?

  • LecturerProf. Nanyi Bi (Department of Information Management at National Taiwan University)
    Host: TIGP (SNHCC)
  • Time2023-09-18 (Mon.) 14:00 ~ 16:00
  • LocationAuditorium 106 at IIS new Building
Information technologies play a critical yet increasingly complicated role in our daily lives. On the one hand, they are tightly integrated into numerous life aspects, such as managing knowledge, communicating with others, and personal well-being maintenance; the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has made such an integration even broader, deeper, and smarter. On the other hand, however, the infamous incomprehensibility of technologies and AI makes it challenging for users, especially laypersons, to understand better and trust the suggestions and decisions provided by the technologies. Consequently, many researchers and practitioners are calling to make the presently black-box-like AI more transparent and understandable so that we can form a trusting relationship with the technologies. In this talk, I tell two research stories on how human users interact with technologies and AI, one in the context of hateful memes and the other in developing trust for an AI recommendation system, and discuss human's role in the endeavor to make them more explainable.
Nanyi Bi (PhD, Cornell University) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Management at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Her research interests include human–computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, and user experience.