張世富 Shih-Fu Chang (召集人)
- Sr. Executive Vice Dean in School of Engineering and Applied Science
- Richard Dicker Professor in Electrical Engineering Department Computer Science Department
- Columbia University, USA
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Multimodal Analysis
- William M. Hogue Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Distinguished Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science
- Director of the USC Multimedia Communication Laboratory (MCL)
- University of Southern California, USA
Multimedia Computing, Visual Communications, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- The Donovan Family Professor
- Computer Science, Columbia University in the City of New York, USA
Theory of Algorithms And Complexity, and Its Applications To The Study Of Databases, Optimization, AI, The Internet, Game Theory, Evolution, and The Brain
- William H. Gates Professor
- Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Harvard University, USA
Complexity Theory, Database Systems, VLSI Design, Parallel Computing, Computer Architectures, Computer Networks, Network Security, Wireless Communications, Networking of Unmanned Aerial Systems, and Deep Learning
- Professor
- Computing, University of Oxford, England
Programming Languages, Functional Programming, Patterns in Programming, Programming Methodology
- Professor
- David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
Natural Language and Knowledge Processing
- Distinguished University Professor of Information Technology
- Christine Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology
- College Park Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Maryland, USA
Signal processing, Communications, Wireless Sensing, Data Science
- Professor
- Department of Decision Sciences, Bocconi University, Italy
Computational Complexity theory, Algorithms, and topics at the intersection of Theoretical Computer Science and pure Mathematics
- Distinguished Professor
- Wexler Chair in Information Technology
- Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Big Data, Data Mining, Social Network, Privacy Preserving Data Publishing, Data Stream, Database Systems, and Internet Applications and Technologies
- Professor
- Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genome Informatics, Medical Data Science, Discovery Science
Patt @ece.utexas.edu
- Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Ernest Cockrell, Jr. Centennial Chair in Engineering
- University Distinguished Teaching Professor
- The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Architecture, Computer Systems, and Embedded Systems (ACSES)