
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica



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Opportunities and Challenges for applying the latest Computer Vision and Deep Learning research to work

  • LecturerDr. Albert Y. C. Chen (Viscovery Pte. Ltd.)
    Host: Chu-song Chen
  • Time2016-10-27 (Thu.) 10:30 ~ 12:30
  • LocationAuditorium 106 at IIS new Building

Recent advances in Deep Learning have resulted in high expectations from both the academia and industry, hoping that
long-standing problems in visual content understanding can be effectively resolved. Putting the latest academic breakthroughs to
industrial applications, however, is a long and bumpy road full of unforeseen challenges. The speaker is fortunate to be part of this
revolution, experiencing first hand from multiple perspectives, including large corporations attempting to innovate, research
institutes doing technology transfer, and technology startups struggling to survive. This talk aims at providing a broad, top-down
view of these challenges and how they were successfully conquered at multiple institutions, hoping to inspire more young minds to "become
the change they want to be."


Dr. Albert Y. C. Chen is currently the Chief Scientist and CTO of Viscovery, the leading visual search company in the Asia Pacific
region (est. 2008). Chen was Principal Scientist and Senior Scientist at Nervve Technologies, NY, and also spent years in the research
groups at Tandent Vision Science, GE Global Research, and Siemens AG. In addition to Chen’s decade-long devotion to generalized video
content understanding research, Chen is also a passionate multidisciplinary technologist/entrepreneur and enjoys teaching and
mentoring during his spare time. Chen is the recipient of prestigious Excellence in Teaching Award while at SUNY-Buffalo, and his near dozen
mentees are still studying/working in the greater AI field. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the State
University of New York at Buffalo in 2013, Master of Computer Science degree from National Taiwan Normal University in 2007, and B.S. in
Computer Science from  National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan in 2004.