- 首頁
- 圖書室
- 會議論文
- 會議論文 1996~1991
會議論文 1996~1991
- 即時系統技術與應用研討會, March 13-15, 1996
- 第二屆高性能計算編譯技術研討會
The Second Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance
Computing : CTHPC '96, March 20-22, 1996
- 一九九六電腦視覺研討會, May 6, 1996
- 第三屆光波、無線電及網路技術研討會
The 3rd Workshop on Lightware, Wireless and Networking
Technologies, July 17-19, 1996
- RAMS '96 : 第二屆即時與媒體系統研討會
Second Workshop on Real-time and Media Systems, July
30-31, 1996
- The Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Personal,
Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications :
PIMRC '96, October 15-18, 1996
- 智慧型資訊檢索技術與應用研討會, December 30, 1996
- RAMS '95 : 第一屆即時與媒體系統研討會
First Workshop on Real-time and Media Systems, July
30-31, 1995
- Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference
on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, November
23-25, 1995
- 第五屆中日韓文獻處理會議 : 檔案
The 5th CJK Document Processing Meeting (ISO ad-hoc)
: files, May 23-24, 1994
- 第三屆世界字體會議 : 檔案
The 3rd AFII World Font Meeting : files, May 25-27,
- 中文資訊檢索技術及應用研討會, June 15, 1994
- 資訊檢索專題研討會 : 使用者導向的互動設計
Information Retrieval as Interaction, August 30-31,
- 第四屆物件導向技術研討會講義
Fourth Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology, September
22, 1994
- 黃俊雄博士紀念文集
- 中華民國八十二年第六屆計算語言學研討會論文集
Proceedings of ROCLING VI R.O.C. Computational Linguistics
Conference VI, 1993
- 第一屆電腦圖學研討會
1st Workshop on Computer Graphics, Proceedings, November
18-19, 1993
- 第三屆超大型積體電路設計及計算機輔助設計技術研討會論文集
Proceedings of Third VLSI/CAD Workshop, March 20-22,
- 1992年電腦視覺、圖學、暨影像處理研討會論文集
1992 IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics
and Image Processing, August 24-26, 1992
- 中華民國八十一年第二屆文字識別研討會
Proceedings of 1992 Second National Workshop on Character
Recognition Republic of China, November 5, 1992
- 中華民國八十年第一屆文字識別研討會論文集
Proceedings of 1991 First National Workshop on Character
Recognition Republic of China, June 25-26, 1991
- 中華民國八十年C++與個體導向技術研討會
1991 Workshop on C++ and Object-Oriented Programming,
August 13-15, 1991
- Proceedings : 1991 International Conference on
Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages,
August 13-16, 1991